Status: Active

Never Say Goodbye


I groaned as I walked into the kitchen, holding my back with one hand asI pushed the door with the other.

"Morning fatty." Zack didnt even look up from his newspaper.

"Matt's the dad-to-be, why are you reading the paper?" I asked leaning against the counter and sipping some water.

"Because he left to piss, he was reading it." He looked up "Where are you going so dressed up?" He looked over my clothes.

A tight white tank to show off my bump, because it wasn't so big it was still somewhat cute; a pair of jeans that fit perfect; and some converse. My hair was tied up in a loose ponytail, and my eyeliner was minimal, with lots of mascara.

"Wait, what happened to your hair? Did you dye it again?" Zack got up and took my hair out "FUCK! JACKIE!" He shouted "That's bad for the baby!"

"I called the doctor and asked if I could, she said as long as I was in a well ventelated area, didn't get it all over my scalp, and didn't injest it I was fine. And I'll only have to do it once more, maybe before the baby's born." I rolled my eyes and tied my hair back up.

Zack groaned "But... Matt's gunna kill you."

"Why would I kill my expecting wife?" Matt asked, looking me over "YOU DYED YOUR HAIR?!" He shouted, pulling it from the ponytail.

"I may as well leave it down!" I shouted as Matt glared at me "I called the doctor, she gave me rules to follow, but I can!"

"Ok... As long as she said it's ok." Matt pulled me into a hug "I just think we should take all precautions..."

"I'm taking more precations than I did before. I haven't had coffee in three weeks." I groaned "And I'm staying more free of stress, and I'm eating healthier."

"Well... that's good." Zack nodded "So where are you going?"

"Out with Gena for a girls day, didn't she come... with... you...?" I looked around, but didn't find Gena.

"I haven't talked to her in almost a week..." Zack mumbled under his breath.

"WHAT?!" I asked, sitting down next to him "What happened? You two... what?!" I asked.

"We're kinda taking a break, it's getting really slow."

I sighed and wrapped my arms around his shoulders "Oh my God, my big brother is depressed... Matt! quick! To the stash!" I shouted.


"GET IT BITCH!" I shouted "He needs re-amping NOW!" I shouted as Matt walked to the cabinet and reached down, pulling out an oversized bag of M&M's "I can't eat them, so someone has to feel better from eating them.." I gave him a concerned look.

"It's fine." He kissed my cheek "But I never pass up M&M's." He took a handfull and popped them into his mouth.

The doorbell rang and Matt left to answer it "Quick, while the warden's gone." I smiled as Zack handed me a few M&M's.

"HEY!" Matt shouted as he walked in, catching me popping a few M&M's "ZACK! What are you doing?! Letting her eat those!"

"It was only like five, man, calm down." Zack laughed.

"Who was it babe?" I asked as the door swung open "GEEN!" I smiled, getting up and hugging her.

"Hey." She smiled, but that bright Gena smile was absent as she glanced around the room "Ready to skidaddle?"

I nodded as she said she'd wait in the other room while I said goodbyes. "Bye babe." I pressed my lips to Matt's.

"Bye, be good. Don't eat anything I would be mad about later." He winked "No coffee."

I nodded and walked over to Zack as he stood up "Bye brudder." I hugged him tight "I'll be back, and we can have a cry sesh, ok?"

"Ok." He laughed "But everything's fine, I swear."

"Yah, sure. Sure it is, just like I'm not pregnant." I rolled my eyes and walked into the other room "Ready Geena Beena?"

She laughed "Yes Jackie Smackie."

I giggled and followed her out of the house and into her car. She shut the doors and started driving away. When we were far away from the house I turned to her, seeing tears in her eyes "Oh hun what's wrong?" I asked as she shook her head.

"Nothing.." She wiped her eyes "What did you want to do first? Movies or Spa?"

"Gena." I sighed "What's going on?"

"We... We just lost it." She said, wiping the last few tears from her eyes "It all boiled down to one giant argument, I left because technically it's his house anyways, so I went to my sister's house... We haven't spoken since."

"What were you arguing about?" I asked as she pulled into the movie theatre parking lot.

"I don't even know.... pretty much everything that's been on our minds, even if it didn't have to do with the other one." She shook her head "It was so rediculous."

"Then tell him that." I sighed "I know he's sorry, Gena, he loves you."

She looked at me with sad eyes and shook her head "I don't believe that anymore. I really don't, we don't act the same around eachother. We've become so... comfortable. There aren't those fireworks anymore, it's all so... tiring."

"THen you have to work through it, because you're supposed to be my sister-in-law, Gena." I laughed as she smiled "See? What did you just think of?"

"Being your sister in law. But not marrying Zack, though... I Don't even know what happened to us. We kinda just fizzled." She sighed.

"Well.... take some time, but I know he'll regret letting you go." I smiled as we got out of the car.

"I hope you're right, I really do..." Gena sighed as we walked into the movie theatre.
♠ ♠ ♠
Awe, Zacky and Gena.... apparently they broke up a little while ago, butttt they're back :) so happy because they're fuckin' rads cute together =) Zacky <3

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo Jb