Status: Active

Never Say Goodbye


Matt's hand traced lines up and down my stomach as I sat next to him in the studio "I can take you home, if you're bored or anything." He whispered.

"Nope, I'm good." I smiled as Zack bounded out from tracking "Dude, what's got you so happy?" I asked with a smile.

He shrugged "Dunno, I just feel... happy." He smiled "Is that a bad thing, fat mama?"

I gave him a death glare as he took Matt's spot next to me while Matt left to listen over the guitar tracks. Zack stared at my stomach and shook his head "What?" I asked as one of his hands rested against it.

"My baby sis is having a baby." He smiled at me "I'm so happy for you guys."

"Have you talked to her?" I asked as he shook his head "How long has it been?"

He counted in his head for a minute "Nearing two months."

"Zack..." I sighed "She... you... what happened?"

"We just... blew up. Krrrchhh." He made an explosion sound and made the space between his hands expand "Everything that's been pent up, about anything and everything, just blew up in our faes. Half of it was about stupid shit, like traffic and how we don't communicate anymore."

I took a deep breath and pulled him into a close hug, as close as he could get to me at five and a half months along "You should call her."

"I heard," He paused as someone left the room "She's dating someone."

My jaw dropped "Yah, me." I Scoffed "Who? Names, man, give me names. I'll track his ass down and-"

My hand grasped onto my stomach and my mouth dropped wide "Oh boy... oh boy oh boy.." I laughed as Zack's eyes grew scared.

"What is it? Are you ok?" He asked hurriedly "MATT! SHADZ GET IN HERE!" He shouted.

"No no no.." I shook my head "Just.... Damn Matt's violent spawn." I glared down at my stomach.

Zack laughed as Matt ran in, stumbling over a chair "What's wrong?" He asked, looking me over.

"Your spawn is hurting my sister." Zack glared at him.

"At least we know it's ninja." I laughed as Matt left us "So... names. So I can track him down and beat his ass."

Zack rolled his eyes, lightly kissing my cheek "Don't worry your hormonal, pregnant mind about it."

"I'm not hormonal." I glared at him "I'm... moody."

"Same dif." He scoffed and grabbed my cell phone.

"What do you think you're doing?" I asked as he scrolled through my contacts.

"You don't even know half these people... do you?" He snickered as I took out his phone. His 352 contacts easily beat my 56. I pouted at him and smiled "What?"

"I don't have Jason Berry's number.." I stole my phone back and added half of his list to my phone quickly.

"Fingers of fury." Zack shook his head "So... do you wanna hang out tonight? At the house or something? We can ditch Matt and have a junk food night." He smiled.

I giggled and looked to the booth where Matt looked up. He pressed a button and leaned into a mic "It's never good when you're both smiling and looking guilty." He spoke into it, his voice echoing around the room "I don't like it. Do I have to seperate you two?"

Zack and I shook our heads like scolded children "Nope, Daddy." I stuck my tongue out at him as he laughed, his dimples showing from his smile.

"You got that right mama." He blew me a kiss and went back to messing with buttons and switches.

Zack groaned and sprawled out on the couch "How come you aren't eating everything in sight? I mean... aren't preggo women usually like a suction tank and eat everything?"

"It's called self control, I take vitamins and eat healthy. I don't binge on unneeded foods." I smiled.

"Just don't malnurish the baby." He poked my stomach.

"Oh oh.." I placed his hand on my stomach as he smiled.

"Did..." He paused "Did your baby just kick me?" He asked.

I nodded "Isn't it amazing?"

"Yes. But... I can tell it's gunna beat me up." He laughed "It's Matt's.... and your's... oh fuck I'm in for it." He laughed "What'd Matt do the first time he felt it?"

I giggled "Jumped up and started screaming, it wasn't exactly... planned. " I smirked as Zack laughed loud "We were lying in bed and he had his hands wrapped around me, we were almost asleep, and it kicked. He fell out of bed, ran around, and screamed. He started packing, he thought I was going into labor."

Zack was on the floor laughing, I looked back up as Matt peered out of the door, looking at Zack "You... did you tell him?"

I nodded "Yah, and I have a feeling he might piss himself. Bro, get up.." I laughed, sticking my hand out as he sat up, crossing his legs like a little kid.

"You got it bad, dude." He pointed at Matt with a smile "Haha... HAHA!"

I smacked the back of his head as Matt walked into the room and sat down across from me. I pouted and held my arms out "Loves?" I whined as he shook his head "Why, you fucker!" I crossed my arms.

"I'll cuddle with you." Jimmy bounded out of nowhere and sat next to me, hugging me "Why is Vengeance on the floor?" He asked into my ear.

"'Cos I told him how Matt reacted to feeling the baby kick." I smirked as Matt hid his face in a pillow as I told Jim the story.
♠ ♠ ♠
Muahahah Babies! I'm kinda like in baby-mode right now... I love babies and kinda wanna go have one haha! I'm not crazy *Starts singing Almost Easy IM NOT INSANE IM NOT INSANE!!*

Ok so yes, baby! BABY BABY! Things I wanted done before ending this:
Get Jackie and Matt married [X]
Establish a good sibling bond [X]
Drama [X hell yeah]
Baby[ ]
Someone dies [X] (the first baby *big sad face*)
Someone else getting married [ ]

Two more to go, and I'll see if anymore pop into my mind so I can keep going :) I'm striving for 100 chapters, and have the 100th be the finale. So if I plan it perfect... we can establish that :) I don't know if I'll make a sequel, maybe, but I kinda hate the ones when it's from the kids POV when they're like a teen and all the guys are old :( it's sad to think about the guys being old. RIP Jimmy. And I don't know how to portray Jim as an old man :( *now I'm crying, oh jeez...*

ok so yesshhh :)

I'm going to see Dear John with my bff Nicole tomorrow after church and then the supah bowl is on :) So I'll try to update :)

xoxxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxoxo 4ever xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo Jb