Status: Active

Never Say Goodbye


"Well how should I fucking know?!" Matt shouted at me as we stood at our respective ends of the room, the air thick with tension.

"Well... well..." I stammered, fighting against being too angry, anger wasn't the best thing for me or the baby at this point "Fuck!" I shouted "You know what.... this is fucking retarded, Matt.... I try, really really hard, not to piss you off ok?" I threw my hands in the air, frusterated with myself. I didn't even make sense to myself.

"Yah well... UGH!" He groaned "This is just so stressfull!"

"How do you think I feel?!" I shouted, pointing to my now bigger stomach "It fucking weighs a ton, Matthew! I'm scared shitless because I don't wanna lose another baby, because that will undoubtedly tear everything up again... And I fuckin' cry about it, all the fuckin' time!" I shouted as he stepped back a little "FUCK! It eats at me every fucking day!"

"Well it doesn't help you binge on junkfood with Zack, all the fuckin' time!" He shouted back.

"ALL THE TIME?!" I asked "Once! Matt, once! We had ONE sibling movie night and I had ONE Hershey bar! That's fucking it!" I shouted "IT IT IT!"

"Yah? What about the coffee mug in the sink yesterday? HMM?" He asked loudly, setting his jaw.

"Not mine!" I shouted "Your stupid ass friends were over, Brian had coffee and he taunted me with it. Were you on Mars? YOU WERE IN THE SAME ROOM!" I shouted as he scoffed "What was that?"

"What?" He crossed his arms and looked away, cocky son-of-a-bitch.

"The scoff, you don't believe me?" I asked, also crossing my arms.

"I don't remember that situation." He stared me down, his hazel eyes spent and tired as they bored their last energy into mine.

I huffed "This sucks."

"Y'think?" Matt asked.

"You don't fucking understand, Matt!" I shouted as he rolled his eyes.

"I don't understand? I have to support our family, I have to work. And I don't get it? What do you do all day? Sit around and mope? What the fuck is with that?"

"Maybe it's because I'm not over losing a fucking child, Matthew? And I do everything around here, fuck sakes! I do laundry, dishes, vacuum, dust, everything ok? Do you come home to a dirty house? No." I crossed my arms as he began to pace "What are you doing?" He held his head in his hands.

"Trying to figure us out!" He screamed at me. I stepped back, tears stinging my eyes. His features didn't soften, he didn't begin to apologize. He didn't take a breath, didn't show remorse for his actions. I was as much in the wrong as he was, we were arguing... over absolutely pathetic things.

"I'm packing." I huffed and walked upstairs.

"Fine!" Matt shouted "Pack, run, go! Fuck!" I heard a bang and Matt cursing under his breath as I entered our room, tearfully throwing some of my things onto the bed.

*Matt's POV*

"Pack, run, go! Fuck!" I shouted, tossing the table by the kitchen door over, causing everything ontop of it to shatter to the floor "Fucking... fuck... shit, damn it, fucking idiot... I'm a fucking idiot..." I muttered, picking up broken shards of a picture frame on the floor. I looked behind the spider-shattered glass to a picture of Jackie and I. We were in the Vegas chapel, I had he in my arms and we were beaming.

Tears filled my eyes as I wiped them with such hate the button on my sleeve almost drew blood. Her face was glowing, as was mine. My smile was unmistakably real, clearly, and her's was from ear to ear. I could see so much happiness in her green eyes, and just today I saw the most hatred in them I'd ever seen.

I sighed and set the broken fram on the table, turning it upright as I kept cleaning up the glass. I threw the handfull of glass into the garbage can and cringed. I looked down at me hand "Fucking retard... oh yah grab a handfull of fuckin' glass, Matt. Smart." I rolled my eyes and wrapped a towel around my bleeding hand.

I walked into the bathroom and rinsed it off, putting a gauze bandage around it and making my way upstairs. I could hear Jackie cussing as I walked in "Stop." I sighed.

She turned around, she was standing there staring at me. Her eyes were venemous, I almost stepped backwards as I could almost feel the knives dig into my skin.

"Why?" She hissed "You clearly doubt everything about us, you just admitted it."

"No... no, I was wrong." I sighed, taking a step closer to her as she started to cry "And on cue," I wrapped my arms around her "What's wrong?"

She sobbed into my chest "I don't want to break up like Zack and Gena!" She sobbed "And this baby.... You're so stressed, I'm stressed, I don't want to lose it!"

"Shhh." I sighed, rubbing her back "Zack and Gena..." I paused "They're unexplainable, I don't know what happened to them. But we're going to get through this. The baby's gunna be fine,-"

"What if it isn't?" She asked, looking up at me with bloodshot eyes.

"Well.... then we'll fuck until we get it right." I smiled as she emitted a small laugh.

"I might die before then." She let out a breath "I'm sorry for being such a bitch... and for making you stressed."

I ran my hand through her hair, missing her dark brown hair. Don't get me wrong, she was a hot blonde, but... she was more bad-ass with dark hair. "First off, you aren't making me stressed. I'm stressed because I'm trying to make everything up here," I tapped my head "Go straight and stop fucking up. Two: You aren't a bitch. You're under a shitload of pressure, no pun intended."

She laughed and I rested my hands on her stomach "I hate you." She pouted up at me "You make me all happy and shit."

"I love you too." I kissed her cheek as she stood on her tiptoes "So..."

"I don't want to be angry." She whispered.

"I don't either." I sat down on the bed and pulled her into my lap "So let's not."

"If it were that easy." She laughed as I kissed the nape of her neck, pushing her hair out of the way.

"It is." I smiled "Watch." I placed my hands on her stomach, flushing her back with my chest and laid backwards, bringing her to my side "Sleep. Makes everything better."

She laughed "I'm fat."

"Nope, just..." I paused as she pinched my arm "Baby fat."

"I talked to Dr.Sheilds the other day..." She paused as I kissed her neck for her to keep going "She said that... this was big for one baby."

I nodded "Ok. So she suggests?" I laughed.

"We might have twins." She paused as my eyes widened.

"T-t-two?" I asked.

She turned over and nodded "A maybe though... She said it was a very good chance though, because..." She poked her stomach "There's lots of action going on in there for just one."

I nodded "Cool."

"Are you gunna be ok with two?" She asked quietly.

"Of course." I kissed her nose "It gives more chance to have a kid like you."

She rolled her eyes and poked my chest "I love you."

"Love you too."
♠ ♠ ♠
Ohhh! I couldn't leave them mad, but they needed to be not so... ... soo.... nice? Haha, a good arguement brings so much out!


thank you Surfergirl for the comment :)

xoxoxoxoxoxo Jb