Status: Active

Never Say Goodbye


My eyes shot open and I looked at the clock, my pajama shorts soaking through, it was three AM. I looked over at Matt as he slept peacfully. I looked at the calendar, today was only a few squares away from the one marked with red pen:

January Thirteenth.

I clutched my stomach as I felt a hard contraction. I sat up and grabbed the sheets, causing Matt to wake up. He and the guys had been on edge since December, when Dr. Sheilds said things would be getting closer.

"Are you ok?" Matt asked, rubbing my back. I clutched his hand hard as my body shook again, his eyes widened "Oh god..."

"Baby... we're having a baby." I breathed as he shot out of bed.

"Oh my.... We.. We need to pack things.." He scrambled around the room half asleep.

I got up, waddling over to him with my hand supporting my back. I placed a hand on his shoulder "Matt, calm down. You're making me nervous." I laughed as he nodded and stopped "The bag is in the closet. I'm gunna change quick, this is gross." I pointed at my legs "I'll meet you in the car. Deep breaths, babe. Deep breaths. I'l call Zack, you call the others."

He nodded and rushed out of the room. I shook my head and grabbed a pair of yoga maternity pants, a tank top, and a sweatshirt as I clicked Zack's speed dial.

There were three rings and a muffled clunking noise "Fuck... ow... Herfroolo?" Zack mumbled.

I sucked in a deep breath as I pulled on my hoodie, a contraction sweeping my body. I bent over a little.

"Hello?" Zack asked.

"Zack..." I breathed, Matt was already in the car, I knew it "Meet us at the hospital." I straighened up and began to walk.

"Wait... who... Jackie?" His voice was disoriented.

"I'm having the baby."

"WHY ARE YOU SO CALM?!" Zack's voice boomed over the phone as I heard crashing and banging, and yet another voice.

"Who's that?" I asked, a small smile creeping onto my face as I walked out of the house, locking the door.

"Bitch!" I heard Gena's bright voice "We'll be totally right there!"

"GEEN!" I shouted, sitting in the car as Matt frantically tapped the steering wheel "Since when... why... YAY?" I asked loudly as Matt sped down the road, coaching me in breathing. He was the one in need of coaching. I swatted his hand away.

"Yesterday morning... we kinda bumped into eachother and it all melted from there." She laughed nervously "ZACK!" She shouted as I heard a car door "WAIT FOR ME!"

I laughed "Ok, keep him calm for me ok? See you there love."

"Bye lover." She hung up as Matt wrecklessly drove down the road.

"I could drive safer than this!" I shouted, bracing myself as another contraction hit.

"One to ten?" He asked.

"Like... three." I panted as he nodded "Are we there yet?"

He looked at me out of the corner of his eye "One to ten?" He asked again as I cringed.

"SIX!" I shouted as he pulled into the parking lot, rushing out of the car and opening my door.

We ran in, Matt practically carrying me, and he stopped in the middle of the hall "HELP!" He shouted.

Multiple nurses ran over, one with a wheelchair. I heard a familiar voice and turned to the side "DOCTOR SHEILDS!" I smiled wide as she walked over.

"Right on cue." She smiled "You comin'?" She asked Matt "We're gunna prep her, and check how she's doing."

He looked at me "Wait for Zack and them, so they don't spaz."

"I'll come get you if anything progresses." She smiled "And to give you her room, so you can come in wheneveryone gets here." She knew we had a ton of people coming.

Matt nodded and kissed my lips before a nurse wheeled me down the hall.


*Matt's POV*

Brian, Jim, Johnny, Matt, Gena, and I all followed Dr. Sheilds down the hallway as she explained what was going on, and everything was pretty much perfect. Other than-


"It's gunna help, sweetheart." A nurse smiled.

I walked over and shook my head "Don't try, she doesn't want it."

She nodded and walked away as Jackie death gripped my hand, and Gena's on her other side "Oww bitch! I'm not as strong as them." Gena laughed as Jackie looked up.

"Oh god... I love you!" She shouted, sitting up quickly and kissing Gena's cheek "I'm so happy you two are back again."

"Me too." Zack beamed.

"Me three." Gena smiled as Zack took her place, I could see the pain in his eyes as Jackie squeezed.

"Ok, let's see how far you are." Dr. Sheilds walked in and put on a pair of gloves as a nurse held Jackie's left leg, and Gena volunteered to hold the right, making sure it was OK with Jackie first.

"I'd rather have you see my vag than one of these dudes..." Jackie managed a laugh as a nurse shooed the guys from view. I laughed a little, she was a short girl with a sense of humor.

"What's your name pretty lady?" Jimmy smiled, glancing her up and down.

"Married, that's what." She scoffed.

Dr. Sheilds smiled at Jackie then me "We seem to be ready."

I took a gulp, wondering who was more nervous: Jackie, who was breathing steady with a small groan every now and then; or me, as I had sweat dripping from my forhead.
♠ ♠ ♠
Awwee labor!!!! I did math :) They left for tour in March, it was a three month tour (Did I mention that in the story?). that leaves us in late May when Jackie found out she was preggers. SO nine motnhs (I included most of May) Brings you to January :) BABY MONTH! Haha. (Unless I totally suck at Math haha....)

Dude date : January 25th.

a little early.... But it's Matt's, no patience ;D

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo jB