Status: Active

Never Say Goodbye


"TWO." Jimmy shouted as Dr. Sheilds delievered the second baby. Jackie wasn't paying attention, she was concentrating on finishing pushing. She was in labor for forty-five minutes. Psycho bitch....

I smiled, tears in my eyes as Jackie relaxed. She looked up at me "Did he just say two?"

I nodded "Twins."

Dr. Sheilds cleaned everything up and washed her hands, cleaning up her clothes "Ok, happy parents." She smiled "Twins. A boy and a girl."

"REALLY?!" Jackie smiled as I felt light headed, she let go of my hand and some of the blood began flowing again. Zack already had ice in his.

"Yes." Dr. Sheilds smiled "Do you have names yet?" She asked.

Jackie and I looke at eachother, each biting our bottom lip "Uhhh..." Jackie laughed "No.."

"It's ok," Dr. Sheilds smiled "Take your time, we'll bring the babies in in an hour, take a nap, get some rest. They'll be hungry."

Jackie nodded as everyone relaxed. Gena pulled a chair up to Jackie and grasped her hand, smiling wide "TWINS!"

"I know!" Jackie smiled, her eyes heavy.

Gena kissed her forhead "Sleep, kiddo. You worked hard, pushing them out in under and hour. Shittttt.." Gena laughed as Jackie nodded, closing her eyes.


"My baby girl baby girl." Jackie smiled as she small infant squirmed in her arms.

"Jeez she's small.." I peered over the bedside, leaning my chin on my arms that were folded on the side of the bed.

Jackie smiled over at me "There's daddy."

"Hey baby girl." I smiled as she began feeding "Lucky."

Jackie smacked my arm lightly "You know what I think?" She smiled, tears faintly in her eyes.

"What's that?" I asked quietly since everyone else, minus Zack and Gena, were asleep.

"We got two this time, because we lost our first one." She looked up and smiled "Thank you."

I smiled at how adorable she was, and kissed her cheel "We need names."

She nodded "You wanted to pick a boy name, right?"

I nodded "Yah, is that ok? I'll pick a girl name if you want."

"I was thinking... Cadence Sophia for a girl." She smiled as I nodded "That was... that was what I was thinking for the first baby."

I nodded with a smile "How about...Joseph Lawrence?"

"Isn't that an actor?" Zack asked.

I nodded "Ok so... Ricky Bobby."

Jackie giggled and kissed Cadence on the nose as she handed her to me "Go to daddy, my boob hurts."

I rolled my eyes as a nurse brought our baby boy out. "Baby baby baby." Gena smiled and clapped.

"Heyy." Jackie giggled as he yawned "So cute at such a young age."

"Nathaniel James." I smiled.

Jackie turned to me and nodded "Nathaniel James and Cadence Sophia Sanders."


I turned to see Dr. Sheilds walk in, a clip board in her hands, she was in normal scrubs now. "Hi." Jackie smiled "Wanna come say hi?"

She nodded and walked over, holding little Nathaniel's finger in her own "Have you decided on names for these gorgeous babies?"

Jackie and I looked at eachother before we nodded "Alrighy let's hear 'em." She clicked her pen.

"Nathaniel James." I smiled as she nodded.

"And Cadence Sophia." Jackie added with a smile "It's confusing, because I have Nat."

I laughed "Nicknames already."

She giggled and we switched babies as soon as Nat was finished eating. Jackie caressed Cadence's nose as Dr. Sheilds wrote names down and left. I smiled down at the bundle in my arms, "Hey." I smiled as Nathaniel grabbed my finger, letting out a small cry "Shh, shhh. Daddy's here."

He opened and closed his mouth and then sighed in contentment before breathing heavily, sleeping. I looked up at Jackie as she smiled wide "Wait for diaper changes." She giggled as I took a sharp breath "Fun fun."

I laughed "I'll handle it. For you."

"Awe, thanks." She smiled as Gena stuck her arms out "You want to kidnap my children already?" She asked.

Gena nodded "Yes."

Jackie handed Cadence over as Gena oogled over the baby.

"I want one.." Brian yawned and looked around "Wait... two?"

"You fell asleep while she was in labor?" Zack asked.

Brian nodded sheepishly "I was tired."

"Me tired." Gena mocked as she tickled Cadence's toes.

"Here, this is Nathaniel." I handed him to Brian, watching his nervous expression "If I didn't crush him, you won't." I laughed.

"Who's the other one?" He asked.

"Cadence." Jackie smiled.

"Boy and girl... let's hope they aren't like Jackie and Zack." Brian took a deep breath and looked down at Nathaniel "I shall corrupt you to be a guitarist, not a singer."

I laughed "He'll sing." Jackie piped up "Because his dad's genes are clearly stronger than mine," She pointed to Gena and Zack. Gena laughed as she tried to untangle Cadence's fingers from Zack's liprings.

"HA!" I laughed "Good girl, Cadey."

"Cadey." Jackie smiled "Nice."

"Nat, nice." I smiled back, pressing my lips to her's "Mom."

"Dad." She smiled back, her features genuinly happy "I love you."

"I love you too."

"Be prepared to be made into squash from these two," She warned "You'll be wrapped around their fingers soon enough."

"I hate to admit it, but you're so right." I laughed "They're cute."

"They have genetically gorgeous parents." Gena rolled her eyes "How can they not be?"

Jackie laughed "It's all from his side."

I poked her arm "You're pretty damn gorgeous, babe." I kissed her hand as she blushed "Loovee you, but I gotta piss."

She nodded and watched her babies being passed around like packages.
♠ ♠ ♠
Babies babies babies!!!

Happy chapter! Haha. If you go back to chapter... 34, it says she wanted to name the baby Cadence Sophia. I forgot, and went back to check, I had already written Cadence Sophia into the chapter haha... oohhh sketchy lol.

I loved this and I can't wait for them to take them home haha! Spoooiiillllling babies is fun!

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo Jb


Last one of the night btw