Status: Active

Never Say Goodbye


My arms wrapped around the small little crying bundle of flesh: how cynical can I make a baby sound?

"Why is she crying?" Matt asked, stumbling into the room still half asleep.

I shrugged and looked down at Cadence as she screamed her little pink head off "Cadey, baby, what's wrong?" I asked, rocking her back and forth. Matt rested his head on my shoulder and looked at her.

"Like she'll answer you. Maybe she's hungry." He shrugged. I smiled and handed Cadence over "What? I'm not the one with the-"

"I have some milk in a bottle." I tapped my nose "Smart one, I bought a breast pump. So I don't have to let these nibblers suck my boobs... they bite." I giggled as Matt followed me down the hall.

"They take after their father." Matt kissed Cadence's nose as we walked "Does Nathaniel bite?"

"No, it's just Cadey. Because, y'know, I think we're gunna have a lesbian daughter." I rolled my eyes as I boiled some water to heat up the bottle.

Matt paused in the doorway, inspecting Cadence. He looked from her, to me "What... what if she does turn out to be gay?"

I chuckled and tested the milk on my wrist, handing the perfectly warm bottle to Matt and he stuck it in Cadey's mouth "So? We'll support her with whatever she does." I smiled "Just think of it this way, you won't have to scare off any boys."

Matt rolled his eyes as Cadey's small hands pulled on his lip "Caaddeey, this is Daddy. Not a tug-toy." He laughed as I removed her tony hands.

"You act like she could hurt you." I winked.

"She could! She could rip my lip off." Matt scowled at me "How's Nat sleeping?" He asked as I looked over the crib.

I nodded a tiny bit "Great." I rested my hand on his back as he hiccuped "Awe. He hiccuped in his sleep."

Matt laughed and sat down in the rocking chair, rocking Cadey back to sleep "She's down for the count, three, two,..." He counted down as her eyes drifted shut. I rolled my eyes and picked her up.

"Why are you making our child a wrestler? She's not gunna wrestle, she's gunna have pink dresses, she's gunna love unicorns, puppies, kittens..." I listed off a few things, watching happily as Matt's face turned to horror "What?" I asked innocently once Cadence was in her crib.

"She's.... oh god she's gunna be a girly girl.. What if she's that kid that doesn't even know what a guitar chord is? What if... what if she likes The Jonas Brothers?" He asked with a horrified expression on his face as he stood up, looking into Cadence's crib.

"Well, I think I cured that..." I laughed as he gave me a look.

"How?" He cocked his head.

"The whole headphones on the belly thing? Nothing but AC/DC, Led Zepplin, and of course Avenged Sevenfold." I smiled as his smile brightened "But I would love to dress her up in pink... then watch her play football and get all muddy."

"Yes'ir." Matt wrapped his arm around my shoulder and began walking us back to our room "So, we go to sleep and wake up when they-"

As soon as his head hit the pillow he was out. Cold. Good night. I crossed my arms and scoffed.

"Men." I whispered under my breath and climbed in next to him, pulling the covers up to my chin as I listened to his steady breathing.


"Oh my god what do you want?!" I shouted, feeling someone poke my side over, and over, and over, and over again.

"Say good morning to Mommy." I heard Matt's quiet voice "Good morning mommy." He said twice, in a mock girl voice and a baby boy voice. I laughed and turned over.

"Well good morning then." I smiled as Matt beamed at me "How'd you manage to get them in here without a breakdown?"

He rolled his eyes "I have two arms, Jaclyn."

"Fed?" I asked.

"Yep, fed, washed, changed... dressed." He smiled "All your's for the day." He chewed on the inside of his lip as I stared at him.

"All day? Where are you going?" I asked as I picked up a squirmy Nathaniel.

"Uh well.." He paused "I was kinda gunna... maybe, if you don't mind, the guys and I were gunna head out to the studio then a bar? Just... I don't have to-"

"Have fun." I smiled, cutting him off "Have some fun, for once."

"But I.." He stopped "Well, it's really only been a few days I should stay."

"Then why'd you bring it up?" I asked as he picked up and equally squirmy Cadence.

"I don't know. I just was thinking about it, but I'll probably stay home."

I smacked his shoulder lightly "Go have fun, at least one of us should be out partying."

"It's not a party." He corrected. I waved him off "Are you sure you'll be ok with them?"

I nodded "Two babies, they sleep a lot, our kids.... they're angels."

Matt kissed my cheek "I'm gunna head out then, I'm meeting Zack at his place. Do you want Gena to come over?"

I shook my head "No, I have a shit load of house work to do. As much as I love her, she distracts me."

"Alrighty, see you later babe. And babies." He gave us all kisses before walking out of the room. I sighed and looked down at the babies infront of me. Cadence yawned and kicked her brother, Nathaniel responded by letting out a small sqeaky cry before kicking his feet in the air.

"I can tell you two'll get along just fine." I rolled my eyes and picked them up in each arm "Let's go eat, or at least I'm gunna eat. Since your daddy is so nice and fed you." I kissed their foreheads and made my way downstairs.
♠ ♠ ♠
Awe, babies! Haha.

hope you like it, sorry for the delay in writing :/ lots of junk to dooo...

xoxoxoxoxoxo Jb