Status: Active

Never Say Goodbye


Cadence was lying on her playmat on the floor, Nathaniel was on his right next to her. They baby-giggled and kicked and reached for the toys suspended above them. I walked into the room with a stack of laundry in my hands and laughed.

"You two are cutie pies." I rested the laundry on the sofa and knelt down, kissing each of them on the nose before returnig to put the towels and clothes in their respective rooms.

I was at the top of the stairs when the phone rang. I sighed and set everything down once again and jogged down to the phone on the kitchen wall.

"Hello?" I asked, bringing the cord outside of the door with me so I had a good eye on the twins.

"Hello, is Jaclyn Baker available?" A woman's voice asked.

"It's Sanders now, but same girl, this is she." I giggled under my breath as Nathaniel grasped onto a small mirror ring and pulled it down, letting it spring back up with a shocked look on his tiny face.

"Hey girl! It's Kristy, remember me? It's been so long!"

I laughed "Oh my God, hey!" I smiled "What's up? How've you been?"

"Not much, I've been good. Brianna misses you tons. And... excuse me?! SANDERS?! When did all this go down missy?!" She laughed loud into the phone "I missed a ton!"

I laughed a tiny bit "Hey, you know where Matt's place is right?"

"Yah, duh." She laughed.

"Well come over right now, bring Bria, I have a... well, two surprises for you." I laughed as Cadence let out a small cry.

"Ok, we'll be over." She hung up.

I set the phone down and walked over to the twins "You two are gunna love 'em. They're goofballs like everyone else." I sat down inbetween them, putting Nathaniel onto Cadence's mat as he reached towards his sister. I smiled and stared at them as their hands grasped eachother's.

Cadence was so much like Matt, it was scary. She had his eyes, wel so far anyways, his lips, nose, and cheeks. I knew she was going to have his dimples, you could see it already. Nathaniel on the other hand, well... He wasn't me that's for sure. He looked a lot like Matt, too. I was praying to God that we didn't have two of him.

I snapped out of my thoughts as the doorbell rang. I got up and sprinted over, throwing the door open.

"Kristy! Bria!" I shouted, embracing the two girls in tight, returned, hugs.

"Oh my God!" Brianna hugged tight "It's been... like.. a year!"

"I know!" Kristy echoed as I ushered them in "So... what's these surprises?"

"I'll tell you in a minute, come sit down so we can catch up." I smiled and poitned to the couch "Cadey, Nat, we have company." I laughedat Kristy and Brianna's expressions.

"Awe how sweet! They're precious!" Kristy knelt down and let Nat wrap his finger around her's.

"Awee!" Brianna smiled "So who's are they? Lemme guess, Zack and Gena." She smiled.

I shook my head "Jim and... well... Brian and someone?" Kristy asked.

"Nope." I smiled wide.

"Johnny and...." Brianna trailed off "Other than you and Matt, and Zack and Gena, I don't remember anyone being serious enougn.... to..." She paused.

I nodded "Our first pregnancy was a miscarriage, last year."

"Oh darling..." Kristy stood up and wrapped her arms around me "I'm so sorry.."

"It's alright, we're still taking the stitches out of the wounds." I shrugged.

"So who's are they?" Brianna asked.

"Matt's and mine. Cadence Sophia and Nathanial James." I smiled wide.

"AWE MY GOSH!" Brianna joined our hug "They're gorgeous!"

I smiled as their arms constricted around me "So congrats! Oh my gosh I'm so jealous!" Kristy smiled, wiping her eyes a little "I wish I was there..."

I patted her shoulder "Zack would tell you otherwise. I think his hand is permanently damaged." I giggled.

"So? How's Matt liking it?" Brianna asked as they each took a baby. Nat with Kristy, and Cadey with Brianna.

"He loves them." I smiled as Cadey pulled Brianna's hair. I reached over and untangled it before laughing "I think they're both turning out just like him, they're little terrors."

"Oh like you weren't?" Briann eyed me with a smile "But... awwee! When are you getting hitched?"

I flashed her my ring "Vegas."

"Awe! I missed it!" Kristy laughed "Darn cheesy fries and monkey milk."

"We're having a formal one back here though, we just wanted... well, we couldn't wait." I smiled as Brianna inspected the ring.

"Gorgeous." She smiled "Just like these babies."

"I know.. I don't think I could ask for a better life." I smiled "And now that you two are back in it, it's complete."

Brianna tossed her hand over her heart, keeping the other compeltely secure on Cadey "I'm honored."

"Me too." Kristy smiled "We need to celebrate..."

"Oh, Kristy." I winked at her.

"Uhm... Yes? And what's the wink-age for?" She giggled.

"Brian's still single." I smiled.

She rolled her eyes "You should know, I don't make too many exeptions to my game." She winked.

"Yah yah yah." Brianna nudged her sister in the arm "We all know you'll make one for him."

"So? What do you say? Stay and we'll have a cook out? I'll call Gena and-"

"GEEEENNNAAA!" Briann shouted "God I haven't seen that bitch in forever! I miss her so much!"

I laughed at her outburst as Cadence started to cry. Brianna's face dropped "It's ok, c'mere babe." I picked Cadey up and she stopped crying "See? All better. And yeah, stay for dinner. I'll call Gena and have her pick stuff up and we'll put it all on for the guys."

Nods passed around the room as I called Gena to plan our little extravaganza.
♠ ♠ ♠
KRISTY AND BRIANNA! I missed them :( Lol

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo Jb


Oh, and possibly Brian get's LOVEE???? haha let's hope for him, I feel bad they're like... singles haha.