Status: Active

Never Say Goodbye


"Cadence Sohpiiaaa." I smiled, rocking the tiny bundle of joy in my arms as she reached up and giggled.

"Hey, what about me? What am I?" Matt laughed as he held Nathaniel out to me.

"You're your father's child." I fake rolled my eyes, turning away for fun. Matt poked my shoulder and sat down on the couch next to me "Where's everyone else?" I asked, the party had ended a little bit ago but I knew a few of them stuck around. Brian, Kristy, Brianna, Jim, Zack, and Gena to be precise. Johnny left, he was going on a date. Ohhhhh we needed to interrogate soon!

"Uh... Jim and Bria are outside in the pool.." He looked around "Brian just walked in, Kristy is talking with Gena outside. I believe.... Zack is in the kitchen."

"Wow, psycho." I laughed "Brian, so, how you and Kristy getting along?" I winked as he rolled his eyes, reaching out towards Cadence "Nuh uh uh!" I laughed "Not until you tell me. We all know you used to like her."

"Yah, used to." He scratched his head and triumphantly took Cadence from my arms.

"Awe, my baby is gone." I sighed. Matt handed Nathaniel to me and laughed.

"Have another."

I smiled and kissed his cheek, lying Nathaniel on the couch between us "So?" I looked up at Brian as Cadence poked his chin, giggling.

Brian smiled wide "She's adorable."

"Well thanks." I laughed "Sooo? Are you gunna keep avoiding my question?"

"Yes." He muttered and poked Cadey's chin back, laughing himself as she squirmed and giggled.

"She's ticklish." He laughed and held her up, "Hmm? Who's ticklish? Hmm? Yah, you! You are Cadence Sophia." He laughed, wiggling her and pressing his nose to her's.

I couldn't help but let out an 'awe' at the sight "I think if we die, I want you to take her."

"Why are people pushing kids on me so much lately?" Brian groaned "Like really? First you want me to get with Kristy, who wants a kid. Then Gena asks when I'm gunna settle down and have kids... now you want me to take them when you die? Jesu-"

"What's so bad about it?" I asked "I mean, you even said.."

"I know what I said!" Brian sighed, placing Cadence on her playmat on the floor, kneeling down beside her "I just... I don't know. I'm scared? I don't want this so... so... soon." He looked up at us "Yoo two have been friends forever, since you were in elementary school. It's kinda natural you having kids and being married, it was almost like you were anyways. But if I met a girl, it'd be so fast it's .... scary." He shrugged.

"Well you should date then, date and take your time." Matt laughed "It isn't rocket science, Haner."

"Yah, I know." Brian muttered under his breath as Cadence began crying "Jackie, come get your kid. She's bitching, just like you." He smirked up at me.

"You put her stomach up, you deal with her. If you knew about her, you'd know she hates stomach up." I rolled my eyes, crossing my legs under me and setting Nathaniel in the space "See? My baby boy likes his belly up, doesn't he?" I tickled his tiny baby stomach "Mmmm doesn't he?" Nathaniel giggled, kicking at my legs "Ow! Why I oughtta..." I laughed as he made tiny fists.

"Oohhh." Brian laughed as he picked up Cadence "He already wants to hit his mama, fiesty little buggah."

I rolled my eyes "Next shitty diaper, Haner, watch your ass." I smirked as he sheilded Cadence from me "Don't hide behind my baby, that's pathetic."

He chuckled "I'm gunna go uhm... out.. side." He pointed to the door "With this lovely child. And maybe talk to Kristy."

I gave him two thumbs up "Go get 'er boy!"

"Yah well we'll see about that." He rolled his eyes and walked out, just as Jimmy ran in.

"AHH SHE'S GUNNA KILL ME AHH!" He shouted, running over in his sopping wet swim trunks and flinging himself onto Matt "SAVE ME GAY BAR BUDDY!"

"Jim.." Matt laughed and tried shoving him off.

"Gay bar buddy?" I asked with a raised eyebrow "I miss a lot staying home."

Jimmy cringed and jumped behind the couch, leaving Matt's clothes drenched "Thanks, Jim... Thanks." Matt shook his head "I'm gunna go change, be right back." He kissed my temple and then Nat's forhead before walking away.

"WHERE IS THE MOTHERFUCKING SON OF A BITCH! GET OVER HERE SULLIVAN! NOW!" Brianna stormed into the house. There was a visible bruise on her right thigh, shown by her neon pink bikini "JAMES!"

I could hear Jimmy's teeth chattering from behind the couch. To rat him out? Or to not rat him out? That is the-

"He's behind the couch!" Zack shouted as he walked out of the kitchen, clear view of Jimmy. Zack's eyes scanned the room for who was calling for Jimmy, then he saw Brianna's bruise and her angry face "I mean.. wait.. .that's just a coat rack. What's that doing there sis?" He tried to cover but it was too late. Briann had already stomped over, picking Jimmy up by the arm.

"DO YOU SEE THIS?!" She pointed angrily to her leg "WHAT THE FUCK JIM!?"

"I'm sorry! I thought... I aimed for the pool!" He apologized.

"Throwing me into the fucking picnik table ISN'T THE POOL!" Brianna shouted.

"You threw her into the picnik table?" I asked, cocking my head to the side as Zack took Nathaniel from me, poking at his little belly as Nathaniel kicked Zack's stomach. Emitting a small 'oof' noise from Zack as he laughed.

"Well... sorta? Yah, but I didn't mean to!" Jimmy defended "The pool-"

"Is on the other side of the yard?" I laughed.

"No no no, we moved the table." Brianna shook her head "But JIMMY! THIS HURTS!" She pointed once again at her thigh, the bruise was almost a deep black now.

"I'm sorry... I kiss it better?" Jimmy pouted.

Brianna cracked a smile "Uhm... yes?" She giggled.

"Alright." Jimmy leaned down and kissed her lips.

"I guess that's less sketchy than kissing her thigh." I laughed under my breath as Brianna slung her arm around Jimmy's shoulders.

"Yah well that comes later." Jimmy wiggled his eyebrows as Brianna punched his stomach "Owww!"

"There, I bruise, you bruise. We all bruise!" She smiled and looked at me. I quickly and carefully grabbed Nat from Zack.

"Nope, I got a baby." I smiled "And I'm needed to take care of them."

"That's what Brian's for, fall back mom!"

"OHHH Speaking of gay men." I Smiled as Matt walked down the stairs, immediatly turning back up them "Hold it right there young man, you and Jimmy have some 'splaining to do."

Matt turned around as Jimmy took a shamed seat on the couch "Yes, MOM." Jimmy muttered under his breath.

"Yes, mom." Matt mimicked as he sat down.

"See, it's less awkward when Jim says it.." I sighed and turned to Brianna, who was nodding.

"Why now?" Matt asked.

"Because, Matt, that means you'll be fucking your mother's brains out later. Moaning when she screams your name." Briann waved her hand as if it was a known fact.

"Shut up! Innocent ears in the room! JEEZUM CROW!" Zack groaned and stood up "C'mon little buddy, let's go see your sister." He walked out of the room, and Brianna and I sat down to one of the most comical, interesting, laugh-until-you-pee-yourself inducing stories from Jim and Matt.
♠ ♠ ♠
Haha.... pee inducing laughter.... I had a good dose of that today :)

Happy birthday Rev, RIP foREVer. Lit my candles and played Seize The Day on my acoustic guitar. Still can't believe he's gone. I'm kinda just waiting for it to be a long dream... but, yeah... for some reason, after lighting the candles today, everything seemed... back to normal. Y'know? Like everything was going to start going right again.

I hope so.

RIP the Rev.

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxo Jb