Status: Active

Never Say Goodbye


"What have I told you about leeting them go to sleep with bottles?" I placed the two baby bottles in Matt's lap, hands on my hips, and stood infront of him with a glare.

Matt, Zack, and Brian all looked up at me "Uhm..." He mumbled.

"Not to!" I shouted "Matt, seriously... it's not good."

"Why not?" Zack asked. I could see Matt give him the 'shut up' look.

"Because it's bad for their teeth. It rots them." I shook my head like he should know.

"Sis, they aren't even a month old." He laughed "They don't even have te-"

"SO!?! What if they choke on the milk or something? The point is that I've told you," I faced Matt again "A billion times over the past week NOT to let them fall asleep with bottles in their cribs! Matt you.." I sighed and rubbed my temples.

"I'm sorry, I'll remember next time. I promise." He apologized, reaching his hands out to me.

"You said that last time." I mumbled "I'm gunna go pick up their room, I'll-"

"No, you need to stop stressing." Matt laid his head on the back of the couch and closed his eyes "You fuss over them, and everything to do with them, all the time, babe. You need to stop or you're going to black out or something bad like that."

Hands back on my hips, I glared down at him "Are you saying I'm stressing out?" I asked with a pointed look.

"No just... You're acting really uptight lately-"

"So you're saying I'm being a bitch?" I asked, cutting him off.

He let out a deep breath "Will you stop fucking putting words in my mouth!?" He asked, sitting up straight now "Fucking A, Jaclyn. I'm not calling you a bitch, I'm not saying you're stressing... I'm just saying you need to relax, you're putting too much... pressure," He looked up at me, chosing his words wisely "On yourself. Twenty-four seven you're fussing over them, they're ine playing on their playmats, ok? They don't need to be entertained all day every day!"

I bit my lip and closed my eyes "You're making me sound hovery..."

"Well... you are." He sighed "You just need to chill, take some time off from it. They're napping, go take a nap too."

"But what if they wake up? I mean I have to feed them.." She looked around "And I should clean this roo-"

"Cleaning can wait, we're a bunch of guys, we don't care. None of our friends care. And I can feed them, I'm perfectly capable of feeding them, Jackie." He looked up at me "Go lay down, ok?"

I huffed "Fuck... You know, yah, I will. But only... Only because..." I looked for an excuse, I felt like being stubborn.

"I think she's stressing." Brian poked Zack's side.

I glared him down "Oh yah? Well you try taking care of twins, being up all hours of the night, making sure they eat, making sure Matt eats, making sure he doesn't fucking drop them.. Telling him over and over to do things and to not do certain things? Making sure the house is always clean, laundry is done... All that shit, you try it and try not being a little stressed!" I shouted full force "Dear God! If these babies aren't stressing me out, you fucking men are stressing me out! God... Damnit!" I shouted as I heard Cadence start crying from usptairs "Fuck fuck fuck fuck!" I began walking for the stairs ut felt someone pull me back.

"Not like that, you aren't taking care of her that angry." Zack pulled me back as he moved forward "Matt's right, you need to de-stress."

I glared at him as he walked upstairs. I slid down the wall and closed my eyes, letting the pent up tears from the past week finally fall.

There was a rustling and I heard hushed voices. Matt and Brian.

"I'm gunna go, you like.... do what you gotta do, man." Brian whispered.

"Ok, see you." Was Matt's response before I heard the front door open and shut. There was dead silence as I wiped my eyes and looked up "So, you gunna listen to me and go sleep? Or are you gunna wear yourself out until you collapse?"

Matt stood above me with outstretched hands, his eyes looking down caringly yet sternly into mine. I took his hands and without any strain let him pull me up and into his arms "I just... I miss everything being easy. Sleeping through the night, not having to wake up every two hours and feed babies.."

"Sex." Matt mumbled under his breath.

I sighed and looked up, placing my hand on his jaw and tilting his face so our eyes locked "I'm sorry."

"It's ok, you had twins... you need to wait, I know." He forced a smile "Doctor Sheilds said two months."

"Well she doesn't know us then." I laughed "That won't happen..."

"But..." Matt paused and collected the thoughts I could see in his eyes "She said it could cause irreversable damage."

"Irreversable? It's nothing a few sexless years won't fix. And plus," I smacked his chest lightly as he stared at me "This whole baby thing is your fault."

"My fault?" He wiggled his eyebrows "How is this my fault? It takes two to tango babe." His lips grazed my neck.

"Yah, well your dick is so irresistable." I laughed as his hands gripped my waist that was nearly back to normal again, thanks to Gena and her coming over and making me work out while she watched the babies for me.

"And your body is too, kinda banging, y'know?" He breathed against my skin, causing my entire body to shiver.

"Zack's upstairs with the babies, we can't.." I mumbled.

"Plus the whole two months thing, I mean what if you like..." He shiverred a little "Totally rip and shit?"

I laughed "With the size of your dick, if I haven't already, then we're good." I patted his chest "And plus, those babies were bigger, so I have a feeling we're set."

He laughed "Well then, we'll see soon enough."

"Sooner than you think." I smirked.

"No, not sooner. I don't want Dr. Sheilds killing me for hurting you, she acts like you're her daughter." He laughed "You don't piss parents off."

I nodded "Yah, so true. So keep it in your pants."
♠ ♠ ♠
I am SO sorry for taking so long with this one. It was stupid of me but I kinda got blocked :/ and just..... couldn't think of ANYThing to write :( sorry

xoxoxo Hope you like it :)