Status: Active

Never Say Goodbye


"I think I love you."

"Well I hope so."

Jackie rolled over and smacked my chest, grumbling something in her sleep "Are you awake?" I asked.

"No, I talk in my sleep." She opened her eyes and rolled them "Where are the kids?"

I shrugged "Uhm.. Sleeping?"

She sat up and yawned, stretching her arms above her head "I'm gunna go wake them up."

"NO!" I pulled her back down to the bed, she resisted but guess who won? Me.

"But... But.. Cadey and Nat need their mommy." She pouted a little, causing me to laugh.

"No. No no. You aren't stressing, oh yes, stressing, over them today." I smiled as she pouted at me "And I think Zack's coming over today."

"Why?" She laid back down, taking note the babies weren't awake yet, since the house was actually quiet. They were three months old, and knew how to vocalize they were awake.

"Uhm... Does he need a reason?" I laughed and pulled her closer "Y'know...."

"Sex. No. I'm tired. Go... away." She mumbled and burried her face into a pillow, groaning "I don't feel well, Maaattt!" She whimpered and looked up at me.

"Ut oh, is Mommy sick?" I asked, my concern clear in my voice. Which, if I'd had my own way, would have stayed hiddedn. I sat her up, her body was almost on fire "Damn, Jackie. You're temp is crazy!" I got out of bed and walked to the bathroom, got the thermometer from the drawer, and walked back to the bed. "Here." I put it in her hands. She nodded, her eyes a little tired looking, and shoved it in her mouth "Turn it on firt." I laughed and reached over, clicking the button.

"I fgshl Bshtwn shka-"

"BEEEP BEEEP!" The thermometer beeped, cutting Jackie's mumbled sentence off. But I caught it, well one word at least Boston. I sighed and looked at it.

"Babe... you're a hundred point five." I sighed and turned the thermometer off, throwing it onto the dresser table "You're sick." I cuddled up to her side and wrapped my arms around her.

"NO... I'm just a little icky." She tried to move from my arms "I'm fine."

"Last time you got sick, you got sick. I'm not chancing the babies getting sick." I looked her dead in the eyes "I'll take care of them, don't you worry."

"Matt?" She asked in a quiet voice, her head resting on my chest as she took deep breaths. I nodded "Can I have chicken noodle soup?"

I nodded with a smile "Of course you can. I'll make it, and in ten minutes when Zack get's here and he can bring it to you. You guys can watch movies, play video games-"

"We're not ten." She laughed, her laugh cut short by a cough.

I sighed and furrowed my eyebrows "I'll get you some tea, too. I'll be back in a minute, you just rest up. Watch some TV." I blew her a kiss and walked out of the room to the hallway. I passed by the twins' room and peeked in, they were sound asleep. I smiled and kept walking down the hall, down the stairs, and into the kitchen.

"Soup soup soup..." I looked through the cabinets. I didn't know the first place to look for it. Suddenly the house phone rang. I lunged at it, not wanting it to wake Jackie up if she'd fallen back asleep "Hello?" I asked.

"Far left cabinet, top shelf." Jackie laughed a little.

"Love you." I smirked and hung up, probably making more noise at getting the phone than there would have been if I let it go.

I quickly made the soup, following the instructions on the can, and poured it into a bowl. Right on cue, the front door opened. I hadn't heard anything from Jackie in the ten minutes I was down here, so I assumed she was asleep.

I bolted into the living room and quickly shushed Zack as he opened his mouth to yell "SHHH!" I said loudly, holding my finger to my mouth.

"What?" He asked "The babies should be up by now."

I shook my head and motioned for him to come in the kitchen "Jackie's sick again."

"WHAT?!" He asked and looked around "Oh... like sick? Normal sick?"

I nodded and handed him the soup "I gotta take care of the babies, and-"

"YES!" He whisper shouted and fist pumped with his free hand, the other holding the bowl and spoon skillfully "Sibling day! Sibling day! Dude, we haven't had one of these in.... since... well since the last one, which was a while ago. I'll go give this to her, and don't worry, I'll let her sleep if she falls asleep." Zack smiled, saluted me, and practically tripped his way out of the room.

I held my forehead and laughed, they were too much alike to not be blood related.


Zack and Jackie had been having a World Of Warcraft battle and I had been banished from the room the entire day. But it was ok. Kristy came over to help with the babies, she was really good with them. But then again, the babies were like angels today. Nat only kicked Kristy once, and it was because she put him on her stomach.

We got to talk a lot about her and Brian, oh yeah, did I mention that Jackie and Gena managed to set them up? Yeah, well... they're like our matchmakers or whatever. So it was cool, just some catching up time. I had always tried to get to know her and Brianna, they seemed like good kids back in the day.

She had left a little while ago, leaving us at six PM. I hadn't heard a peep from upstairs since I got a pillow thrown at me at seven AM to "Stay out! You bring evil into our fortress of Warcraft!" as Zack so aptly put it.

I slowly made my way up the stairs and opened the bedroom door quietly, peeking my head in. A smile crept over my face as I took in the sight before me. Jackie was sprawled out, controller in hands, with her head resting on Zack's stomach, sleeping. Zack was sitting up, had his controller in his hands, and his fingers were still making subconcious movements against the buttons. Jackie mumbled something and readjusted herself, Zack moved his arm around her and yawned, scooting down. They were so adorable.

I walked over and pulled a blanket over each one, carefully without disturbing them removed the controllers from their grips, and turned the lights off. I shut the door down to a crack and left. I don't think there was anything better for either of them than a good sibling day. I walked into the twins' room and tucked them in, kissing each of their foreheads before leaving.

I looked around the living room and smiled "All to myself." I sprawled over the couch and turned the TV on, anything would do right now. But I couldn't help it. I grabbed my cell phone and ran back upstairs, snapping a good picture of Zack and Jackie before mass texting it to all the guys. I sat back down and felt my phone vibrate a second later.


Dude! That's so adorable! Is one of them sick or something? If they weren't brother and sister I'd say that's weird. But they can get away with it :)
I laughed and texted him a reply, and soon there was another text.


Why wasn't I invited to this love fest? Dude, who's sick? Have the sleeping beauties txt me when they wake up!

I laughed and looked around for Jackie's phone. It was lying on the coffee table where she left it yesterday after her and Brian had a wrestling match. I picked it up and stole Brianna and Krisy's numbers, sending it to them along with who it was from. I added them into my phone and waiter.


OH MY GOSH! They're so cute. I'd use this as blackmail but... it's too innocent. If you need help with the four kids tomorrow, just let me know! HA! -Bri

I laughed

Yah, they kinda wore themselves out with World Of Warcraft. Ok, but I'll probably need more help with the non-twins!

A second later, another text. I don't believe I've ever texted this much in my life.


OH! Bri just showed me this, awe they're adorables. Same with me, if you need help just call me or something. Do I have copyright royalties to send this to Gena?

Of course! I'm sure she'll get a kick out of it, thanks Kristy.

I flipped my phone shut and laid down, it was nice... Knowing Jackie and Zack had a good day, and they were truly little kids and passed out like them too. I couldn't help but laugh, they'd been fighting over that game all day, it was no wonder they conked out.

I yawned and closed my eyes, decided sleep was a good idea right about now...
♠ ♠ ♠
OMG! It's a chapter! I'm sorry for being a bitch again and going AWOL! I've been locked up in my room trying to get ideas for this! Not literally locked up, but every afternoon I seclude myself into my room and wrack my brain for this story, but I haven't been coming up with anything. Instead, I've been starting MORE stories... I don't know if they're any good, no one comments :

So I hope I get some comments on this :) It'll make it soo much more worth it! Because this is my first true love of a story, I mean... it was my first wicked long one, that I got a ton of comments on.

So comments = love! LOL
