
Killing Loneliness

“There. That should be the last of the boxes..” I panted to myself in the cluttered apartment. Ok, so I’m griping over 5 boxes but they were stuffed full of my crap and they were heavy as hell. Also it doesn’t help when I’m short as hell, as well.

I laughed out loud at my ability to rhyme with fucking curse words. Only that would be a God given talent that was given only to me, I bet. I sat down on the wooden floor, abruptly. I laid on the cool floor with a sigh, with my bright red hair strewn everywhere.

I looked to my left to see a box that had “main shit” written in my messy chicken scratch writing. I sat up and looked into the box, curious to what I had hurriedly packed. I pulled out some sketchbooks before coming across a photo frame.


I rubbed my thumb over the picture that had a tall, dark haired guy with vibrant green eyes with his arm around a short girl with vibrant red hair and the same green eyes. They were both making funny faces at the camera, completely at ease with everything around them.

I got up and went to my new room with the frame in hand. I placed it delicately on the table right beside the pile that was supposed to be my bed that I haven’t assembled just yet.

I sighed and adjusted the frame several times until I was satisfied where it was. I looked at it a good long few minutes before making up the mind to get all this crap cleaned up. I chuckled at what my dad would say at this mess.

“Jesus Sully! What the fuck possessed you?!” He yelled at he saw the sight of my self proclaimed disaster area. I looked up at him from my spot on the floor, playing Tekken 4, with wide eyes at his sudden intrusion.

“Uh….Hannah Montana?” I tried to think of the most scary thing I could think of to explain why my room was totaled beyond recognition. He crossed his arms and gave me the “I don’t believe you even though its funny..” look.

“Ok, Ok… I’ll clean it up…” I mumbled, clearly sullen at what I had to do. He smiled and ruffled my bright red hair and walked out.

“Valentine Lily Sullivan!” I jumped again, making me lose the game. I turned to look at him again and this time, he was laughing his ass off.

“What I’d do?!”

“Is that your version of clean? I mean, I left about 10 minutes ago!” He pointed to the two piles of clothes on the floor and the bed half-way made. I nodded at him as he palmed himself on the forehead.

“Yea, the right pile is clean and the left pile, from what I could smell, is dirty…And I don’t want to mess up my nest! Then I can’t snuggle properly at night!”

“You take up after me too much… That’s kinda scary..” He laughed again which made me laugh as well.

“Ugh, I guess I have to start cleaning…” I grumbled as I played with my labret, trying to think of a way to get all this done with the least amount of effort. I heard an itty bitty, but loud meow come from my feet.

I smiled as I picked up Majin Buu but Buu for short. Yeah I named him after a character in the Dragonball Z series, so fucking what? He’ll cut you, no doubt about it. This itty bitty kitten has a mean streak when you mess with his mama.

“Hey Buu… How about we get some snacks and then we’ll get to fixin’ up this place. I hope this time we don’t have to leave..” I cuddled Buu to my face as he started to purr in a response.

“Ok! Damn, don’t get all excited!” I laughed as he started to wiggle around in my arms. I put him down and followed him to the kitchen with him falling and tripping along the way.
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Tell me what ya think so far peoplez!