
Meeting Avenged


After whipping those boys from before into shape, I finally got everything done with five minutes til 5. Damn, I’m good. Jared was so amazed that his mouth hung open for a good 5 minutes after I’d reported to him about everything.

Oh and I had talked to him about the dress code, I could wear whatever the hell I wanted which was good, cause I was already tired of covering up my tattoos and piercing.

I had ‘You’re Not Alone’ across my chest in cursive, cartoon wings on my back which I drew myself to look like angel wings but one was black and one was white. On my right shoulder I had a series of tats ranging from flowers to stars and on my left was monsters and evil stuff. Oh and of course my labret.

“Son of a bitch!” I yelled after realizing that I had gotten lost again. I stamped my foot like a child for some odd reason and fumed there for a few minutes before rolling my eyes and continuing to try to find my way back to the front of the venue.

“Go for Sully.” Squawked my walkie-talkie. I unclipped it from my side and glared at it for a second. It sounded like Jared again, prolly wondering where the hell I am.


“Where are you at? Are you lost again?” Damn, I’m really good at this. I’m gonna start charging for mind readings.

“Uh… No? I’m just seeing the sights..” Suddenly there was all this yelling and laughing to the right of me. Curious, I started to go investigate when my walkie-talkie squawked again.

“I know where you’re at, you’re at the back entrance where Avenged is supposed to be coming through.” A gaggle of guys with tattoos came in at that, laughing and what not with each other. Some were carrying large boxes and some of them were trailing behind.

“Well I think they’re here.” I replied back in a smart ass tone, grinning at my luck. The didn’t seem to notice me, which was good. At least for now.

"Ok, so here’s what I need you to do. Start walking outside, you should see me out here. I’ll introduce you to the band." I rolled my eyes at the walkie-talkie knowing that Jared wasn’t able to see me but oh well. It was a involuntary response.

I walked outside into the bright sunlight, the rays making my red hair glow even more. The heat was nothing compared to Louisiana and Mississippi so I was used to it, where everyone else had to wear short sleeves and tank tops. I soon saw a bus with a bunch of guys standing outside of it.

Now, I’m a short fucker but one of the dudes in the group was just gnome like. I mean, he couldn’t have been taller than me but he just looked like a little gnome! I snickered at that thought as I approached them. All of them did a double take, except Jared who just smirked at them in a “I told you so” way.

“And this is Miss Valentine Sullivan also known as Sully.” Jared introduced, “ She’s our new head tech girl. She came highly recommended from New Orleans. She can handle just about anything that’s electric-”

“OK!” I laughed nervously, cutting Jared off from his praise, “I think they get the idea, Jared.” They all laughed but one pushed his way up in front of me with a devilish smirk upon his handsome face.

“Hi. I’m Brian but my stage name is Syn, Synyster Gates.” He lifted up my right hand and kissed it with a wink. I laughed at his charm but I wasn’t fooled by it one bit. Although, it was very tempting, like his stage name.

“Believe it or not, the South has heard of y’all. Its nice to meet you in person.” But again, another person came right up in front of me with these pair of poppin’ hazel/green eyes. I raised my eyebrows as he got as close as Syn did.

“I’m Zack, normally called Zacky Vengeance.” I shook his hand too, kinda uncomfortable with the up in my face greetings, “The gnome man is Johnny Christ and… Hey, where’s Shads and Rev?”

Now I noticed the yelling and laughing in the bus. I gave them this weirded out look, hoping that what I was hearing wasn’t what I thought it was. Zack, got outta my bubbled with an apologetic look and went to look for the rest of the band members.

“So, we heard that you just moved here, right?” The gnome man, Johnny, spoke up. I smiled at him which made him blush and put his hands in his pockets.

“Yeah. I haven’t been here that long. Hell, half of my shit ain’t even unpacked yet!” They all laughed.

“Well maybe, after this show, we can come over and help unpack and show you the sights?” Syn offered with a slight gleam in his eye. I raised an eyebrow at him and put my hand on my hip.

“Now, are you sure this ain’t an excuse to take advantage of a Lady like me?” I said, exaggerating my Southern accent just a little. slight pink tinge appeared on his sculpted face as I called him out on whatever he was planning to do.

Johnny and Jared started to laugh openly at the poor man while I smirked at him, letting him know I was on to him. He started to grin right back at me, setting of a war of wits.

“Maybe, maybe not. I guess you’d just have to find out.” He replied, flirting shamelessly. Just then, the door opened to the bus. I turned to see who it was only to see Zack coming down the steps with people trailing behind him.

Two of them were girls, who were arguing like sisters on their way down. They noticed me and stopped arguing, smiles replacing their frowns. I also noticed that they were both taller than me.

“Hi!” They both chorused in time like creepy twins. I smiled tentatively and shook their hands. They seemed like nice girls so I decided to go with it.

“I’m Mika Carrington and this is my sister, Crystal.” The older looking one introduced, nodding to her sister with the glasses who shook my hand and then ran over to Johnny, who put an arm around her. Their accents weren’t American, they sounded like they were from England or something.

“Ah, so y’all must be their girl’s, right?” I declared like the smart person I am. Mika blushed and smiled.

“Yea, we’re actually from England and I met James at the Download festival while genius over there is on a scholarship program where she met Johnny at one of the shows down here.“ She explained as a very tall fucker came up behind her and put his arms around her, effectively scaring her.

“Bloody hell, James!” She turned around and playfully slapped him. James or Rev, noticed me and it felt like a slap in the face when he looked at me curiously. His face looked so damn familiar to me, it was unreal. I smiled for all I was worth and shook his hand, trying hard not to let this unravel me. Maybe it was just my imagination, yeah. That’s it. My imagination.

“Ha! Looks like Jimbo here scared the shit outta her!” A booming voice stirred me out of my shock. I looked to whom the voice belonged to and I saw another member who was built like a fucking ox! Muscles ever freakin’ where! Now, Syn had some muscles but this dude was just plain ripped!

“I’m Matt or Shads as these fuckers call me.” My hand felt tiny in his as he shook it. I couldn’t help but grin at his cutely dimpled face, his hazel eyes surveying me, starting with my face unlike Syn and Zack who it felt like were having eye sex with me.

“So, how about we set y’all up and we’ll get this party started?” I grinned my devil’s grin, or as my dad but it, my Cheshire Cat grin. I was ready to have some fun.
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Ok, so as of now: Jimmy, Johnny and Matt are all taken. Zacky will be taken soon but Syn is the only single guy so... Help me decide what I'm gonna do with him. Deanna, here, you're in this damn story. Ok?! So stop buggin me!!

I just LOVE this video!