A Secret Silence Is a Secret Safe

Terror Held In Wedding Bells;

Chase held us in a small room, with glowing brown tables and coushined brown chairs. There was a small, hand painted light hanging from the center of the ceiling, and a small fridge by the corner of the room. I had no idea where we were, but I could guess it was a lunch room of some sort for the court house. I desperately wanted to be out of this place as a free person.

"On the day of Rian and Cara's wedding, when disaster broke out for the entire neighborhood, three people died." Chase glanced from my eyes to Alex's. "Two of whom were completely innocent, one of which didn't deserve death."

I licked my lips faintly, and glanced over to Alex who looked devistated. His chocolate brown eyes had turned a deep shade I'd never seen before. It was like a time-bomb when off inside of him, and his skin instantly turned pale and his eyes were consumed by dark circles. He was a new form of heart break.

His eys glanced back to mine. I already knew I didn't look nearly half the mess that Alex did. I felt kind of bad, but life is life. Things happen and time goes on. Besides, it's not like any of this was intentional. For the most part, I was just in shock. But I knew by the look in his eyes that something, anything, had to be done.

"Is there anything you'd like to say now?" Chase cleared his throat, breaking our sad silence. "Anything at all? Cassidy? Alex?"

"No," I shook my head quickly. "It's a terrible thing that happened, but there's nothing we can do to change it now. But if I had known, I would have stayed, I would have calmed him down."

My eyes couldn't quiet capture everything that was happening. I was a fan of horror, but this wasn't extreme enough. It was more like comedy to me, if you want the truth. Cara's beautiful white dressed was now grass stained and ripped. Her father, who had outraged her, was wearing his blood as a new male lipstick. Zack was holding back Rian, who was losing his mind quickly, and Jack was huddled in the corner scared to even breathe.

Everyone in the crowd had completely lost it, too. They were all yelling at one another. Some were in Cara and Rian's defense, some belived it was best the wedding was stopped. Though in some sick way, just watching the wedding fall apart, I knew that Cara and Rian really did love each other.

I glanced around the chaos to Alex, who was wide-eyed, just watching things as I had been. Though I looked more amused than concerned. My legs carried my body towards him, where I gave him a light kiss on the cheek and smirk. He didn't seem to approve of my actions at the time, so in attempt to chage his mind, I handed him a joint and a lighter.

"Not here," he mumbled. "Can you believe this?"

"Can you believe how much of a bitch you're being?" A gave a dry laugh. "Maybe we should something."

"Like what?"

"I have matches," I shrugged. "If we light enough of them on fire and toss them into the chairs, I bet we can have a cozy campefire."

"Not funny."

"Who said I was kidding?"

I was half expecting Alex to walk away, but he took one last look into my longing eyes, which were leaking disaster. He gave a small nod of the head. God, it was so easy for me to control him. I handed them the lighter and took the matches for myself. We quickly worked our way through the angry crowd and to the edge of the yard, where I stuck the matches and tossed them one-by-one towards the wedding. Alex knew his part before I even said it. He lit the Bic, and tossed it into the pile of flames.

I wasn't really worried about anyone getting hurt. The crowd had moved their way towards the house in attempt to follow the arguement. I was, however, concerned with my own heatlh. I grabbed Alex's hand, and as quickly as possible, we fled for the road. The explosing was slightly bigger than I had expected, and by that, I mean it was huge.

Who whould have thought that our neighbors were brewing drugs in their kitchen? I guess the secrets out now, since their house kind of burst into flames along with our tiny wedding tragedy. Upon seeing this happen, though, I grabbed Alex by hand. It was too shocked to pull himself away from the fire.

I let my legs carry me far and hard. We entered the nearest place that we could for a drink, which was a small Stop-And-Go at the end of the street. I forced Alex to go in and pay while I waited by the doors. I never, ever expected something like this to happen. Either way, I never expected myself to find it so.. funny.

Chase gave us a small nod, though his gaze was still dark, and he wanted us behind bars. I felt a tad awkward, but I also knew there was nothing this man could do to keep me here. Not anymore, at least. Once Alex was taken out of the door, led by a cop, I stopped dead in my tracks. I turned my body around to face Chase, where I did my best to look heart broken.

"Alex helped," I choked out. "He threw the Bic."

"Excuse me?" Chase also stopped. The man was already breaking a sweat, and I could see a spark of happiness in his evil little eyes. "Alex helped?"

"He threatened me, Chase." I managed to muffle up a tear or two to make myself seem more honest, and by the look on his face, it was working. "He told me.. He told me if I ever told anyone he'd kill me. But now knowing that those people died, I can't do it anymore. He's a murderer, Chase."

"Why should I believe you now?"

"Because I can see it in your eyes that you know as well as I do that he's guilty. And you told me when I was first brought here in hand cuffs that you would cut me a deal. I'm telling you the truth, Chase. He helped, but if he knows I told you.."

"I'm going to need a statement, Cassidy."


In my entire life, I'd never done something so shameful and felt so happy about it. The courtroom was filled with people who wanted to know the truth about the case. Far in the back, I noticed Zack, Rian and Cara staring me down. Oh, they knew the truth, but they would never have the guts to speak up. Such good friends.

I carried my feet across the walkway. I had just been let off the witness stand, and in two seconds, I'd walk out the doors to a new life of freedom. It seemed so long, but in some sick way, I wanted to stay there to show off my glory.

"Cassidy!" Jack flew up from his place at the stand. I turned my head lightly to watch his anger explode. "Everyone knows you're lying! How could you do this? I trusted you, Cass! Those people died. They're dead Cassidy, and it's all your fault. And now you, you sick little bitch, you get to walk out of here without a slap on the wrist."

I knew it was best that I didn't speak. I didn't need a reason to get myself behind bars again, so instead, I stood there with a hurt look on my face while Jack told me everything I already knew. Cry me a river, baby, I've been bad news for years.

"I guess," Alex followed Jack's actions and stood. The court was getting excited now, so cops were moving in around the boys with every word they said. "This is what I get for trusting a drug-dealing slut, huh? I swear, Cassidy. I swear I'll get out of here one day, and when I do, you're dead."

Congrats, Alex. You just bought yourself fifty to live. I wanted to stay to see what else they'd do to themselves, but a cop took my by the shoulder and led me out of the building. The moment my feet hit the pavement, a smile spread across my face. I may not have a place to stay anymore, I may not have anyone to get high with, but at least I got the last laugh.

The terror held in wedding bells, the comfort in there's no one else. The truth be told I'm never gonna know.
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I kind of lost my spark for this story months ago, but I figured I should go ahead and put the last chapter up. It had a few amazing readers.