Protection That Ends in Marriage

Chapter One

*Alexandra's Point of View*

I woke up to my annoying mother standing over me and staring at me. "Um hi?" I said sitting up and rubbing my eyes. "Oh good. You're up. Time for breakfast." She said with a wide smile. "Why didn't you just send the maids up?" I questioned. "Because I wanted to tell you something important." She said sitting on my bed next to me. "OK. Well me & your father are going on a vacation. You will be staying with somebody. They will pick you up after we leave." She said smiling widely. "We are leaving in an hour and I wanted to make sure you were up early enough to see us leave so we can say our goodbyes." She continued. "It's not like I see you anyways," I mumbled. "What was that?!" She said in a high pitched voice. "Never mind. That'll be our little secret." She whispered.

"What time is it?" I asked. "Oh. It's 7 am." She said like it was nothing. She stood up and walked out of my room saying, "Get dressed and come downstairs to eat." With that she closed my door. Stupid mother, I thought. I mean I love my mother. She's nice and lets me get away with anything. I'm never grounded and I always get what I want. Another good thing is my parents don't hover over me, I mean how could they when they're working 24/7? The only bad thing is that my mother always buys me stuff I don't want and didn't ask for. She buys me preppy stuff, stuff that my older sister, Katie would wear or use. See, my parents are the queen and king right now and by the time they have to step down my sister is going to take over. My mother loves my sister to death, I mean don't get me wrong I know my mother loves me and all, but she favors my sister. Pretty much because my sister is like her in every way, unlike me. Oh I'm sorry, I'm going on and on about this and you don't even know who I am. My name is Alexandra Henner, but to me my name is Alex. If anyone calls me Alexandra I freak out because my name is Alex, not Alexandra. I'm in 10 grade which makes me 15 years old. Now lets get to the story.

I walked into my huge bathroom and turned on the shower. I got undressed and took a 15 minute shower. I got dressed in skinny jeans and a black and red dress like shirt. My mother wouldn't like this but she would have to deal. At least my shirt is a little better then what I would normally wear. "Honey! We're leaving come on!" My father screamed. "Coming!" I screamed running down the steps and jumping into my father's arms. He let me on my feet before giving me a huge hug. "I'm gonna miss you guys so much!" I said. I wasn't lying, I was going to miss them. "We are, too." My mother said giving me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "To bad your sister is at college and isn't here to say her goodbyes." My mom continued with a sigh. "Mom. You're acting like you're leaving forever!" I said following them onto the porch. "Well we'll be back to see you as soon as possible." My father said. "Daddy, what's really going on?" I questioned. "Honey, I wish I could tell you but we have to leave. I'm sorry but you have to figure this out on your own. You'll realize what's going on soon. I promise we'll see you whenever possible." My father said. Now I was really worried. They were leaving me? How could this have possibly happened? We were getting along so well now that Katie's gone. My mother and I have gotten closer and my father and I are....well we're pretty much the same but with Katie gone he doesn't have to spend all his free time screaming at her.

I watched as my parents drove away down the large round driveway in the limo. I stood there until I couldn't see the limo anymore. I turned around and walked back into the house. My parents left me. My sister was long gone. I was alone, my family is gone. It was then I realized that I was crying. I ran up to my room and jumped on my bed sobbing uncontrollably. I cried until I felt a hand patting my back and someone shushing me. "It's OK." Soothed an unknown male's voice. "What the crap are you doing in my house?" I questioned rolling over to see who was there. I was looking into red eyes but instead of being scary, they felt welcoming. I pulled back to see what the boy looked like. Along with his red eyes, he had black hair that went over his one eye, he was handsome. "Um hello?" I questioned remembering what was going on.
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Hope you liked chapter one!!! Please comment or send me a message if you like it.