Protection That Ends in Marriage

Chapter Ten

The whole time while I was in Zachary's room, Andy was sitting in my room on my bed watching TV. I walked in and sat next to him. I didn't answer any of Zachary's questions. I walked out after he told me his name. "Who's Zachary?" I asked. Andy looked at me smiling.

"Now can you see why your parents sent you here?" He asked me. I looked at him. "Andy...are you trying to tell me Za...Zachary brother?" I asked in a whisper voice. "Yes. And your sisters also live here. They'll be arriving shortly." He told me. I was in shock. I couldn't say anything. I just sat and didn't say anything. My family was here all along? "Andy. Tell me why I had to come here." I told him. He just looked at me.

*Andy's Point of View*

"Andy. Tell me why I had to come here?" Alexandra asked me. I looked at her. Should I tell her? "I can tell you why you were put here...with your siblings. And with me, Greg, Trevor and Drake." I said. "Tell me everything you can." She said. "They put you here so you could have your siblings explain your world here. They've been living in the other world all their lives...basically. And they'll tell you everything you need to know." I told her. She just stared at me in disbelief. This is going to be harder then I thought.

Then, Carey and Casey walked into the room. They'll have to explain. They screamed when they saw their little sister. "Lexi!" Casey screamed. "Alex!" Carey screamed and they both ran over and hugged her, well more like squeezed. I started to laugh at the crazy girls in front of me. "Hey girls. Good to have you back." I said to Carey and Casey. They smiled and hugged me, too.

"Well, Andy. Time for you to go. Girl talk time!" Casey screamed. "Yeah, shoo. And tell Zach we're gonna want him in the living room in about half an hour. I want you, Trevor, Drake and Greg to go out somewhere. We got stuff to talk about." Carey told me standing at the door and closing it in my face before I could even answer.

*Alexandra's Point Of View*

I couldn't believe it. My twin sisters that left about four years ago are back! And they're just like I remember them, Casey is still girly, crazy & beautiful. Carey is still less girly, more tomboy, but the same amount beautiful (I mean they are twins) and she's calmer. "Well, Andy. Time for you to go. Girl talk time!" Casey screamed. "Yeah, shoo. And tell Zach we're gonna want him in the living room in about half an hour. I want you, Trevor, Drake and Greg to go out somewhere. We got stuff to talk about." Carey told him standing at the door and closing it in my face before he could answer. This isn't going to be good. "I heard that!" Carey said smiling.

We were all sitting on my bed. We were using Zach as our slave and he was getting us everything we wanted. Cookies, ice cream, pop, candy, anything. "He's much nicer then I remembered." I said. They looked at each other and smiled. "Well. He's changed since the last time you saw him." Carey said. "So. What's new? I mean we haven't seen you in four years!" Carey asked. I smiled. "Nothing really." I told them. They didn't believe it. "Come on! Do you have a boyfriend?" Casey asked. Carey elbowed her. "Uh, no. But you guys know I have to marry some guy I don't even know." I told them. They looked at each other. They know something I don't? "Guys." I pushed. They stood up and ran downstairs pulling Zach along with them as I chased them into the living room.
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Hope you liked this chapter! It's weird how Zachary is her brother huh? =) DIDN'T SEE THAT COMING DID YOU!?!?!?! LoL leave me comments / message me / add to friends! ideas are helpful! =)