Protection That Ends in Marriage

Chapter Fourteen

The next day Zachary shook me gently. Alexandra. Get up and dressed.” he told me. I groaned and rolled over. “I mean it. Alexandra get up.” he said. I sat up and got out of bed. Once he left I lied back down and went back to sleep. A few minutes later I woke up to ice cold water being poured on my head. "Zachary!” I screamed. “You should have woken up when I told you to!” He said angrily. “Get dressed. We’re working onwaterfirst, then levitating and flying. Then I’ll show you how to hide your wings. Then I’ll teach you manners.” He told me.

After about four hours with Zach I finally had everything down that he taught me. Manners were probably the hardest for me. I’m not used to doing that kind of stuff, let alone respecting people and not talking back, it was hard. I had one more day of training, which would be with Casey. Then the day after that I would practice with them and master everything and we would pack and be leaving the next week. I still had three more dates to go on to decide what I would like to be and next week I will have to tell father on my third day of being in the other world, what I choose to be and then I will meet my prince.

Today was easiest. Casey was the nicest. She woke me up calmly, even though it was earlier because I needed longer time to learn. I was learning more from her then Carey and Zach. She would teach me to control [white]air and about my demon and vampire sides.

After about five hours of learning stuff from Casey, she said I finally mastered air and my demon and vampire sides. I can now smell everything, keep my fangs in, now I have to drink blood but we only get it from a blood bank and I learned how to control my demonic anger and keep it until I actually need to use my powers. I’ve learned about demons and vampires and no, its not true that vampires can only go outside at night in the dark.

Demons, vampires, werewolves and angels. I wonder how demons and angels can be in one person? I guess more demon you are the worse choices you make and the worse stuff you do and the more angel, the opposite. Half angel, half demon probably means that 50% of the time you pick good choices and do good things, the other 50% is opposite.

Carey. I was wondering. What is father?” I asked. She looked at me confused. “Is he werewolf, vampire, demon or angel?” I asked. "Well your father, the king, is half werewolf and half demon. Mother is half angel and half vampire, so that’s why you’re all four.”She told me. “Oh.” I said. She just smiled. “Hey. Are you ready?” Greg asked, walking in the room. “For what?” I asked, confused. “To go out.” He said like it was obvious. “Oh. Um, yeah. Let’s go.” I said following him to his car.
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um ok hope this is ok? :) um comment & subscribe sorry i don't have time to fix anything i gotta eat dinner! i'll check it later! :D