Protection That Ends in Marriage

Chapter Fifteen

I felt someone shake me. "Alex. Alex." They repeated. I opened my eyes. "Hi." I said. I looked around and my surroundings. I wasn't in my room. "Where am I?" I asked Greg. "My room." He told me. What?! I thought. "Don't worry. You fell asleep in the car so I just brought you in here. I didn't know if you'd really want Trevor watching you while you were asleep." he said with a laugh. "Ha. No. Thanks, I guess." I said. He smiled. "You're really cute when you sleep." He told me, shyly. He had on a cute, nervous smile. "Thanks. You're just really cute." I told him slightly giggling. He smiled. “Um. Thanks.” He said. I stood up and saw I was dressed in pajamas. He better not have dressed me. I thought to myself. “Oh. No! No. Casey did.” He told me. I looked at him confused. I think he could tell by my face because he said, “She dressed you, not me. Don’t worry.” I sighed in relief. “Oh.” I said. “You’re a very heavy sleeper, you know that?” He asked me as we walked down to the kitchen. He was already dressed and so was everyone else, except me.

“Hi everyone.” I said happily. “Why weren’t you in your room last night?” Zachary asked, a slight of an angry tone in his voice but you couldn’t really tell, he had a completely blank face, no emotion. He sounded like one of those dads from TV, the ones that act calm until the girl says, with my boyfriend and the dad flips out. “In Greg’s room.” I told him. He looked at me and then to Greg. I could see his eyes turn red, he got very angry. “What?!” He said as he stood up quickly and threw his chair back, then continued throwing stuff angrily until he completely stopped and dropped to the floor. “Zach!” I shouted rushing to his side.

The room was completely white. Not a single color on the walls or furniture. Not even the blanket had a single color. The machines were black, but that was mostly it. The room was well, sad and lonely. It was freezing cold in their. I guess all hospital rooms were like this. I looked at Zachary. He looked lifeless. His eyes were shut, but that’s only because he was asleep, his skin color was almost completely white, it was so pale. I lightly held his hand, he was freezing cold. It was colder then the room. Reminds me of Trevor. I thought to myself. I’ve never felt so scared in my life, standing here looking at my brother sitting in a hospital bed, and he looked completely drained of life. It was the worst feeling in the world.

Carey. What’s going to happen?” I asked my sister, she was in the room with me now, sitting by my side and holding my hand. She smiled at me. “He’s going to be fine, Alex. He just was using up to much power is all and he didn’t have anything to, um, eat. His demon side controlled him earlier and it drained him pretty much.” She told me. I looked at Zach. “I hope you’re right.” I said sighing. She hugged me. “Same here.” I heard her say. I heard a small noise. I looked over, Zach slowly opened his eyes and looked at me, I could see in his eyes that he was confused and a little scared at the same time. “Where am I?” he asked. I smiled. “The hospital.” I told him. He looked over at the machines he was hooked up to. “Why?” he asked. “You collapsed.” I told him. He just looked at me and Carey, then he tried to stand up, but he just went back to the ground with a loud thump. “Zachary. What are you doing trying to get out of bed?” The nurse asked coming into the room. “I’m fine, all better, now let me leave.” he told her. Me and Carey helped him back onto the bed. “No can do. Not yet.” she told him checking some papers on the clipboard she had.

Zach sighed heavily. “Great.” he said sarcastically. “Can I at least be out of here by Saturday?” He asked her. She looked at him and he gave her his amazing, award winning, warm and melting smile that just about everybody in my family had. Hey! I know what he’s doing! He’s charming her into this but when I tried to charm Trevor into apologizing I got yelled at! I thought. He looked at me and death glared, then looked back at the nurse. She shook her head and smiled brightly back at him, a slight blush creeping onto her cheeks. “I’ll try my best to have you out of here by either late Friday or early Saturday.” she said. “Thanks.” he said winking at her before she clumsily ran into the door. She then opened the door and walked out quickly, obviously embarrassed. Once she was gone Zach looked over at me and Carey and chuckled a bit.

“So you can use your powers and laugh about it but when I use mine I get into trouble!?” I asked. He shook his head. “One. I wasn’t using any power. It’s just natural charm, Alex. And two, I wasn’t pushing her against a wall and making out with her to get my way!” he said angrily. I looked at Carey and her eyes grew wide. “Um. I think I should go and let you guys, um, talk.” she said walking out and giving me the ‘good luck’ look. She closed the door and Zach sighed. Alex. Honestly, do you think I’m that horrible of a brother?” he asked. I silently shook my head no. “So you understand that I’m just trying to protect you.” he said. I also shook my head no to that. “OK. What don’t you understand about that?” he asked me, trying to keep his temper under control. “What do I need protecting from? How is yelling at me protecting me?” I asked him. He looked at me, right in the eye.
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