Protection That Ends in Marriage

Chapter Three

*Alexandra's Point Of View*

"You know you're very beautiful when you're thinking," Trevor said. I looked over. Everyone was gone but me and Trevor. "Thanks," I said blushing. Stop blushing, I thought. But he's so cute, I fought with myself. Trevor grinned at me. What's that about, I thought. "Where are the others?" I questioned. "At the hideout. I'm staying with you while you get all your stuff together so we can get out of here. It isn't safe for you." He said looking away from me. These boys were really confusing me, but I'll just go along and see where I end up. I mean, my parents did send for them, right? "OK. So I should go get packed?" I asked. "No, you will get everything you want packed and throw it on your bedroom floor. Then I'll pack it and we'll leave. Go and hurry." Trevor said.

About two hours later I was ready and packed with the help of Trevor. "That wasn't as fast as I hoped, but lets go." He said grabbing two of my bags and going out of the open door. He put the bags in his trunk and jumped into the car. I grabbed my other bags, threw them into the trunk with my others and jumped in the passenger seat. I smiled looking at him after I buckled up. He pulled out of my drive way and started driving down the street. It took as what seemed hours to get to wherever we were going and it was silent, and very awkward. Yes, awkward silence, I hate that, don't you?

I got tired of the awkward silence I reached for the radio. Trevor grabbed my hand. I pulled my hand away fast. Wow, his hand is ice cold! I thought. "Maybe you should turn the heat up or something. You're freezing cold!" I said. "No. I'm fine." He said looking back at the road. I went to turn the radio on again and once again Trevor grabbed my hand in his cold one. "What? I just want to listen to music!" I said to him. He looked at me. "I'm sorry but I'm trying to listen to something right now." He said. What could he be listening to? I thought.

*Trevor's Point Of View*

I sat listening to Alexandra's heart beat as I drove. She smelled so wonderful. She reached for the radio and I grabbed her hand. I heard her heart beat faster and she started to smell even better then before. Maybe not better, stronger at least. I looked at her, she was blushing. That's what it is her blood rising to her face and turning her cheeks a shade of red, like blood. Great, I thought.'Wow, his hand is ice cold!', I heard Alexandra thinking.'"Maybe you should turn the heat up. You're freezing cold!"She said looking at me with concern. She looked so innocent, I thought. "No I'm fine." I answered. She reached for the radio again so I grabbed her hand again and heard her heart beat faster once more."What? I just want to listen to music!"She said. "I'm sorry but I'm trying to listen to something right now." Was all I told her.

I know listening to her heart beat isn't important but I had to pay attention and make sure everything was OK and make sure any of the guys weren't trying to talk to us, well, me. "You smell wonderful." I told her trying to break the awkward silence I could finally notice. She smiled at me and blushed. She smelled better and stronger then ever. I tried to control myself. Yeah, leave the wonderful smelling human girl alone with the blood craving vampire. There's nothing wrong with that, I thought. Finally we arrived at the house. I parked and jumped out of the car. I was glad to be away from her and I was very glad I hadn't harmed her. She smells so good, this is going to be harder then I thought.

She jumped out of the car."Thank you, by the way. And your house is amazing!"She screamed looking at the huge mansion. "Don't you mean mansion? And it has to be huge if 4 boys are going to live in it and be able to have company. And we don't want to have to hold up time with sharing bathrooms or pretty much anything as a matter of fact. Except for the living room and kitchen and a few other rooms of course." I said with a smile. She looked at me."It's bigger then my house!"She exclaimed. I laughed. She was so cute, I thought. No, don't think that way. Don't get caught up in her beauty because you wont be able to control yourself...not like you can control yourself now anyways.
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Hope you liked the chapter! Any ideas for the story that'd be very helpful. I have some other stuff ready but I need to fix it up a bit before I update. Comments and Messages make me update faster!