Protection That Ends in Marriage

Chapter Four

*Alexandra's Point of View*

The mansion was huge! It was like three times the size of my house and I was a princess! Man, this is crazy! I thought. Trevor politely grabbed my bags from the trunk of the car. I looked as he walked along the path to the house. I turned to grab my other bags and my eyes met red ones. "Drake! You scared me half to death!" I screamed at him. "OK?" He said like it was nothing. Like the gentleman he was, he grabbed my other bags for me and I slammed the trunk shut. "Thanks." I said when we entered the house, mansion. "WOW!" I exclaimed. "It's even bigger on the inside!" I continued. Drake was standing over by the stairs, leaning against the wall. He had a grin on his face, not sure if I liked it or not. "Glad to see you like it." He said smiling. "Let me show you to your room." He said grabbing my bags that he had dropped when we walked inside. He started walking up the stairs with me following close behind like a lost puppy. He finally reached a room and stopped. I opened the door and let him in first. I heard him sigh loudly as he dropped the bags. I walked in and closed the door. It was beautiful. The color scheme was red and black. I smiled. I liked it a lot. "Oh my gosh! Thanks!" I screamed hugging Drake.

He smiled. I pulled away and he pulled me closer. He stared into my eyes and I could tell he was in some kind of daze. I didn't know what was really going on until I noticed he was getting closer and closer until our lips met and he started to kiss me. I tried to pull away but his grip tightened. I pulled harder and he pulled away after I started to hit him. "I'm so sorry..." He started but I cut him off. "It's fine. Don't worry about it." I said with a smile before he walked out of my room and closed my door.

*Drakes Point Of View*

I kissed her. I'm so stupid. This was supposed to be even between us all and she was supposed to choose after she got to know us all. If she found out what was going on and why she was with us she would think that I just used her to win. I didn't, I swear. She's so beautiful and I just couldn't help myself. I'm so stupid. I could've hurt her. I'm surprised Trevor didn't try anything.

We're going to have to tell her sooner or later and we'll have to make sure her parents know what has to be done to keep their daughter safe. I know I've only met her today, but I've been following her around making sure she wouldn't get into harm's way all her life. In time I've come to the conclusion, I'm in love. Yes, I said it. I'm in love withAlexandra Henner.

*Alexandra's Point of View*

I guess I have to start unpacking. I grabbed one suitcase and opened it to see tons of my clothes. That's way more then I would've fit in there. I started walking around the room to find my closet. There was a door. I pulled it open, it was the bathroom and man! The bathroom was huge! It had dark blue tiles with light blue color for everything else. It had a white tiled floor, a huge tub that could fit probably six people comfortably, and it had a shower with glass doors, it also had a huge wall to wall counter with mirrors all the way across. "This is amazing!" I screamed. "I know." Said a voice from behind. I turned around. "Oh. Hi, Greg." I said with a smile.

"Your closet is over here." He said walking over to another door and opening it to reveal a huge walk in closet. "Thank you." I said grabbing the suitcase and pulling it inside the closet so I could put my clothes away. He stood at the doorway staring at me. What, is there something on my face, I thought. He chuckled and continued to stare at me but with a smile on his face. OK, this is kind of freaking me out. First, Trevor tells me I smell good. Then Drake kissed me and now, Greg is staring at my very creepily I might add. Strange. I looked at Greg, his face went from grinning at me weirdly to furious with anger. "Did I say that out loud?" I asked, confused as to why Greg was so mad. "Yeah. Did you say that Drake kissed you?" He asked. "Yeah. He kissed me then he said he was really sorry and ran out." I said with a shrug. He got even more mad if that's possible.

What's wrong with him? Wait, oh no. Maybe he likes me and that's why he's so mad that Drake kissed me? "I'll be back to check on you later." He said walking out of my room and slamming my door. What the crap! About an hour later I finally finished putting all of my clothes and shoes away where I wanted them to be. I had two more suitcases that had other stuff that I still hadn't unpacked. I walked out of the closet only to find Trevor lying on my bed watching TV. "Uh, hi?" I said trying to get his attention. He looked over at me, looked me up and down and looked back at the TV with a nod. "OK? Whatever." I said grabbing my other suitcase.

I opened it and put everything else I had away with probably another hour passing. Trevor stayed in the same position on my bed watching TV and never once looking my way. "OK. Why are you in my room?" I asked him getting annoyed. "I was told to watch you and you're just to pretty to be stuck alone in your room." He said with a smirk. "OK" I said jumping on my bed beside him. He turned on his side and looked at me. I smiled and blushed. He pulled back like he was trying to stay away from me. Seriously do I have something on my face? He looked at me and grinned. "You're beautiful, that's it. I'm just so surprised I get to be by such a beautiful girl."He said smiling. I blushed again and he pulled back. "I'm sorry. I have to go." He said running out of my room. OK then?
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