Protection That Ends in Marriage

Chapter Five

*Greg's Point Of View*

He kissed her. I thought about that the whole way walking to his room. That idiot was the one who said we'd make it fair and let her choose after she knows us for a while. I finally made it to his room to hear him thinking. 'I'm in love. I'm in love with Alexandra Henner.' was what he was thinking. How can he be in love with her when he just met her not to long ago? I know she's beautiful and all but he said love. The truth is, I don't know if I really want to go through with this. I barely even know the girl. By the time she has to choose I'm probably going to warm up to her and start to like her though.That's when Drake's door flew open and he stared at me with a smirk."You know. I heard everything you just thought."He said moving over so I could come in his room, which I did before slamming his door shut. I sat on his bed as he studied me."So. You really don't want to marry her?"He asked. "Not yet." I said looking at him. "I mean she's pretty yeah, but I barely know her." I continued.

He stared at me."I knew you would say something like that."He said still grinning. "Well, how can you be in love with her when you just met her a few hours ago?" I questioned."Well I met her a long time ago, not just a few hours. I met her when I was human in middle school. I don't know what happened but after I was changed I started to feel like I needed to protect her from any danger. So anything bad that happened to her I would be there helping her. I followed her around pretty much her whole life after that. From sixth grade to tenth, so four years."He said as if it was nothing. "So, you know her well?" I asked. "Wait, then this isn't fair. She knew you and you can use that against us. She'll want to marry you." I said pacing around in his room.

*Alexandra's Point Of View*

"Hey. Alexan..." Andy started standing at my doorway. "It's Alex." I said looking at him. "Well, Alex. Do you want to come eat, or what?" He asked. He looked so cute, I thought. He smiled. What's up with these boys smiling randomly like that? Whatever. "Yeah. I'd love some food. I'm starving." I said getting up and walking with him. "I thought you would be, you haven't eaten since this morning." He said walking downstairs and out the front door. "Wait, we're not eating here?" I asked. He looked at me weirdly. "No. I thought it'd be cool if we could go out somewhere and we could get to know each other more." He said smiling as he jumped in his blue convertible. "OK." I said jumping in next to him. He looked at me and smiled as he started the car.

I reached for the radio and he let me turn it on. We laughed as we sang along to every song that came on. I really liked Andy. I mean, not in that way. Or do i? I'm not really sure which one of the guys I liked that way, all I know is that I know Drake from somewhere, I'm just not sure where. "Alex. There's another reason why I brought you here. The boys all thought it'd be best if I told you more about everything, they thought you'd be more comfortable with me instead of them." He said as he parked and got out of the car. He came over and opened my door for me. "Thanks." I said looking down and blushing. He smiled.

"Why would I be more comfortable with you? I don't mean it in like a mean way but why wouldn't I be comfortable with them?" I asked. "Well, because of what I am and they are, they think you'd feel safer with me when you're finding this out." He said walking towards the building in front of us. I followed. "Find what out?" I asked. He turned to me. "I'll tell you more inside." He said getting annoyed of all my questions. I didn't want to wait. I wanted to know what's going on. Right when we walked inside I said, "OK, we're inside now tell me what the crap is going on!" I screamed and made everyone inside look at me. He turned and now I could tell he was angry. He breathed in and out to calm himself down I guessed.

He turned back around and walked over to a table far away from where anyone else was. "OK. Now I'll tell you. You are in danger." He began. "What kind of danger?" I asked. "Well you are a princess. Not a princess, the princess." He said. I looked at him confused. I'm not the only princess, I thought. "My kind and other kinds have been in war for decades over who was going to world."He continued trying to make sure not to say to much at once so I don't freak out. Too late, buddy boy. He could tell that I wasn't going to say anything so he continued again, "You are the answer to that situation. You are going to be the future princess and queen of my world. You have to decide which kind you want to belong to, which boy you want to marry." He said.

"Marry?!" I screamed. Oh I am not marrying anyone, I'm only 15! "Don't start freaking out yet. I'm not finished. So there's something else...." He started. "What?" I asked. "Well, the boys you are going to choose from to marry are not...human." He said. My mouth dropped open. What?
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