Never Again

Go Back to Bed

Eleven o’clock. It, as in screaming, always seemed to start at ten. And that night was no different.

I sat at my computer in the study/spare room when it started. It was horrible. It took me back to when I was little, but I wasn’t back there I was here, listening to those screams.

Then it was eerily quite for hours it seemed. But it wasn’t only seconds, suspense of adrenaline made it all seem so much longer. The quiet was killed by her door banging shut. The creak of the floor board was made by two people.

I got up as fast as I could knocking my coffee of the desk and all over the computer keys in my clumsy hast to make my way to my front door.

At the stairs way my next door neighbours. Rosie and Alex. Rosie had a cut below her left eye and a bruise starting to form around it. The purple bruise matched her converse. She was limping on one leg. Her right foot was elevated a little bit off the floor and looked really painful.
“are you alright? I heard a scream, sounded like it came from your apartment.” I asked hoping that she was okay.
“I fell on to a beer bottle, I’m fine Chad, go back to bed.” She said, not convincing anyone, lest of all herself.
“if you’ve got glass in your foot you shouldn’t wear shoe, let me or alex”-I wanted to kill that man for doing this-“ carry you to a car and get you to a hospital.” i knew the answer before she even thought of it herself.
“Chad, go back to bed, I’m fine.”
“At least take you shoe off and get Alex to carry you…”
“Chad, don’t you think you should go, she safe in my hands.” Alex calmly stated, how thick did he think I was? Safe in his hands? No, I'm terrified that she'll wind up dead in his hands.

His arm wrapped possessively around her waist led her down the stairs. As she hopped down slowly, you could she the frustration in his eyes.

I couldn’t bare to watch her in those hands so I closed my eyes and turned around and walked back to my apartment and tried to sleep all I could think of was her scream from down the hall…

I hear her scream, from down the hall
Amazing she can even talk at all
She cries to me, Go back to bed
I'm terrified that she'll wind up
Dead in his hands, She's just a woman
Never Again