Seize The Day

Seize The Day

"Bye guys! Get some sleep Zack, you're gonna need it!" I yelled from the door of my house. "He's already passed out in the back seat dude." Jimmy called back from the passanger seat of Matt's BMW. I chuckled under my breath and unlocked the door and walked in, not bothering to turn on the lights until I got to my bedroom.

I can't beleive it. Tomorrow's the day Zack and Sierra get married. Sierra's a great girl don't get me wrong. I mean, she's always supportive of anything we try and do, and she's really helpful. Not controlling, and she gets along with all of us. I'm so glad Zack found her. He deserves to be happy. He really does. I wish my heart and my brain would agree on that.

I tossed the scrap of paper I was writing on into the black hat box on the floor and kicked it under my bed. I guess you could say I kept sortof a journal, except it wasn't in book form. I'd never beable to keep track of it and if the guys found out. they'd give me hell. Plus, I have tons of hat boxes, so it was just easier this way. I shut off the light and pulled my shirt off before laying down. I glanced over at the clock, the numbers glowed in the darkness, reading 3:17am. I had to be up by seven, which would give me enough time to shower and do my hair and eyeliner, maybe eat something too, before having to be at Matt and Val's at 8:30. The wedding started at 11, down on the beach. I shook the thoughts of Zack from my head and rolled over, giving in to the sleepyness that was overcoming me.

That night I had flashes of dreams. The first night and me and Zack drunkenly made out, the night Zack got jumped and I took him to the hospital scared to death and he told me he loved me, the time Sierra and him first met, first asked her out on a date, first time they fought and Zack called me, scared and angry with himself. It was one of the very rare times when Zack cried...he didn't want to loose her. The last flash I had before my alarm went off, November 22nd. We were just got done playing 'Seize the Day' and Zack told Sierra to come on stage. He got down on one knee and proposed. Johnny and I played the wedding march and the audience errupted in 'aww's' and 'congratulations.'

The radio was playing Addicted by Saving Abel when it woke me up. Cool guys, I thought remembering the last tour as I yawned and stretched. I licked my lips, dry from sleeping. I ran my fingers through my hair, it was oily and matted. I need a shower, stat. I scratched at my stomach and looked at the clock. 7:14am. It was January 25th and at least sixty degreese outside. I loved living in California. I shut off the radio and dragged myself into the shower. The water felt good on my skin as it washed off all the sweat and smoke from last night. Zack's bacholer party was the best party Matt and myself have ever thrown. I heard my phone vibrate and rinsed off quickly, shaking the the dripping water off of myself before stepping out and grabbing a towel.

I grabbed my pants off the floor and dug through the pockets until I found my cell. 1 new message, the LCD screen read against a picture of my signiture guitar. It was from Zack.

Hey dude you up? hurry up dont want my best man bein late for my big day. : )

I texted back: Yeah dude dont worry im just getting out of the shower b there in 30

I pulled on a pair of black jeans and a white wife beater and grabbed a zip-up from the closet. I didn't take long on my hair, this was Zack's day not mine. But I did make sure it looked good, as well as a thick line of eyeliner on my top lid. I grabbed a watch from off of my dresser and put in diamond stud earrings. "I am one good looking motherfucker." I smirked into the mirror. I grabbed up my car keys and walked out side into the bright morning sun.

As I drove down the road I wished I had ate something. My stomach was doing flips as the wedding neared closer and closer. I pulled into Matt's garage and took a deep breath. "C'mon Brian. Keep it together. He's your best friend, you should want him to be happy." I told myself, looking into the rearview mirror. I nodded to myself and got outta the car, jogging up to the door. It opened before I could even knock.

"C'mon dude, you're cutting it super close." Zack said grabbing my sleeve and dragging me into Matt's bedroom where my tux was laying on the bed.

The wedding colors were black and purple and Zack was already half dressed All he needed was his tie and jacket. His hair was slicked back Matt style and he even put on a bit of eyeliner for the occasion. "Kay, hurry up and get dressed." Zack sighed. "I'm so nervous. What if-"

I cut him off "Zack, everything's going to go great. You and Sierra have been together for three years, you're perfect together. Now, go finish getting ready. Don't want to be late for your own wedding." I patted him on the back and he smiled, his snakebites shining. He nodded and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.

I felt so weird in these fancy clothes. It was something I deffinatly wasn't used to. I put some more hairspray on my hair and slid my cell into the inside pocket of my jacket, but not before I put it on vibrate.

Just then the door opened. "Hey Brian?" It was Zack.

"Yo Zack, what's up?"

"Um..I need to do something before I go get married." He said chewing on his left lip ring.

"What's that?" I asked, confused.

Zack took a step forward and put his hands on either side of my face and kissed me. His snakebites pressed into my lips. It was a nervous kiss but it was filled with confidence. I slid my arms around him and kissed him back. Letting my tounge graze his lips. He let me have access for a brief moment before breaking away. He pecked my lips once more and nodded to himself. "I can go get married now, c'mon let's go." Zack turned and walked out of the room.