The Girl's a Straight-Up Hustler


0 days till the Boys leave.

I looked up at my ceiling as I forced myself out of bed, I had to say goodbye to them because when and if they came back. I wouldn't be here.

I slipped into shorts and pulled on a tank top, I brushed my hair back into a ponytail. I had to look presentable and get to work, I was throwing them a party this time. They had always thrown me parties whether it was my birthday or because I was pregnant.

It was time I repay them.

I hurried down stairs to see my mother on the phone, she was already dressed and she smiled over at me. The loss of the baby and Alex brought us together, my mother was now a best friend to me.

Many nights I would climb into bed with her and she'd hold me as I cried. Some nights I just couldn't bear the pain by myself. I was getting better, it was getting easier to cope with everything. I knew I'd never be fully okay.

But I was on the way to being just okay.

I started by cleaning up the backyard, picking up garbage. Next task to accomplish was the tables, I began setting them up and placing the necessities upon it, napkins, center piece, utensils and plates.

I smiled as I hanged a banner I had made and then I stepped back to survey it all, I had done good. It looked decent, real decent.

"People will start arriving soon, bring out the food."

I nodded and began placing the food out along with refreshments, and then people arrived and I began ushering them inside. I smiled as I peaked into the fridge at their cake, it was a picture of the band.

I looked away trying not to think of Alex. This was for Rian, Jack and Zack. For them.

Not him.

They entered and they looked shocked but excited, they ran around greeting everyone and finally they saw me. Jack ran forward first and scooped me up in his arms and hugged me tightly, I couldn't help but laugh.

I'd miss this.

He then passed me into the arms of Rian who pretended to almost drop me but when he didn't I hit his shoulder playfully. He grinned as he thanked me and kiss my cheek and then Zack hugged me the tightest.

I was close with Zack but not as close as I was with Jack and Rian. He looked at me and smiled, "I'll miss you." I almost cried at his words as I threw my arms around his neck and held on for a few seconds.

I pulled back as he placed me upon my feet. I watched them walk away to mingle with the rest of their guests, playfully.


The party was over and we were sitting at the tables, the girls were inside helping my mother. I looked over at them smiling, this would be our last memory together before they left tonight on their plane to Seattle.

"Next year, you better throw us another banging party." Jack commented as I frowned and instantly I felt terrible.

"Boys," I began and they looked at me, unsure of how this could play out, "I won't be here next year. I'm moving to Missouri to live with my Grandpa. I'll be finishing High School there."

They looked crushed and I felt just as terrible, I couldn't stay here and relieve these memories over and over again.

Just like Alex had.

I had to leave, permanently.

"I'll miss you boys." I whispered as we all stood up and hugged each other for one last time. I sat back down as they walked away from me.

As they walked out of my life.

For the final time.

Missouri wouldn't have boys like Jack, Rian and Zack.

Or even Alex.

Missouri was a fresh start.

I'd be okay.
Even the best fall down sometimes.
♠ ♠ ♠
So this was short, I know it was short.
It's the second to last chapter, so that kind of sucks.
The next chapter will be the longest.
So what happens from here? Alex is on tour and Danny's moving to Missouri?
Is there any hope for them, at all?
We'll see. (:

I'll update this later, final chapter. (: