The New Kid in Class

The new kid in class

Ryan's POV

I tap the eraser end of my pencil on the edge of my desk, pretending to be listening to the boring lesson, Mr.Sanderson, my math teacher, was giving.

"Ryan?" I snapped out of my trance, looking up towards the teacher, who was standing at the front of the room, obviously waiting for me to respond.

"Uh... What was the question?" he knew I wasn't listening, but repeated the question anyway.

"What was the value of x in this equation?" oh crap. To know this answer, I would of had to be listening, and well, I wasn't. Just as I opened my mouth to... well, make up an answer, the phone rang. I sighed with relief as he let the question slide in order to go answer the phone.
The class quieted down and seemed to be trying to listen to the conversation; my class is so mature.

In the silence, I could hear the murmur of a voice on the other end of the line. I couldn't make out anything they were saying, but I heard the replies Mr. Sanderson gave.

"Hello?...Yes... Oh, okay. Sure, send him down," send who down? Oh well. Not that I should care. It got me out of the embarassment of not being able to answer a simple question, didn't it?

A few minutes later, there was a knock at the door; once again interrupting the lesson (Not that I care). Mr. Sanderson walked over to the door, opening it slightly. He stuck his head out and talked quietly to whoever was outside. A few moments later, he re-entered the classroom, a nervous looking guy trudging in behind him.

"Class, this is the...New student," the kid smiled at the class, but we remained quiet, looking over this new addition, "Your seat will be next to him," I looked behind me, as Mr. Sanderson appeared to be pointing to me. I sighed as I discovered that there was no one behind me - he meant me.