The New Kid in Class

Study Buddy

Brendon's POV

I'm nervous. I can't explain it, I just am. He's only coming over for math help; that's it. Nothing to be nervous about.

Oh, who am I kidding? I like him. A lot. And maybe, just maybe, this is all a little scheme of mine to get him in my bedroom. Okay, it isn't. I'd never pull something like that, especially on someone I've pretty much just met.

It's 6:56. The doorbell rings. I race downstairs to answer the door but see that my mom has answered it first. I can see from behind her that it is in fact Ryan at my door. I seem to have forgotten to tell my mom that I was planning to have someone over tonight, but she'll find out soon enough.

"Um, hi. I'm here to see Brendon... For school?" he mutters. She didn't have a clue he was coming, but she steps aside to let him in. She looks at me as if looking for an explanation.

"Mom, this is Ryan. I met him today at school," she breaks into a smile and says hello. We're all standing in the cramped front hallway of our house, with boxes full and empty stacked from floor to ceiling(N/A: *dies of overuse of adjectives*). We're still in the process of unpacking and moving into our new house, so it's still a big mess.

After the awkward moment in the hallway, I lead Ryan up the stairs and into my room; where we will be studying. I take a seat in the office chair at my desk and he sits down on my bed, dropping his bag on the floor next to it.

"So. What have yo-" I stop talking as I notice that he doesn't look very interested in math or anything else to do with school. He's looking around my room, at the boxes, and the few posters I've had the time to hang up.

"Hey," he says, gesturing towards one of the pictures on my wall, "I love that band."

"Uh... Yea, I-"

"So what albums of theirs do you have?" he interrupts. Hesitantly, I name off the albums I own from that band.

"Are we actually going to do any work, or what?" I ask, and he looks genuinely suprised.

"Do we have to?" he whines. I nod.

Just then, my cat, Ginger walks in. She jumps up on the bed, as usual, but Ryan is in her spot. The only thing to do with someone like that is... Nudge them to death. That's right Ginger, you go girl. Ryan just goes on petting her; another excuse to stall on the homework.

"Oh, by the way," he starts, looking up from the cat for a few seconds, "I'm supposed to invite you to a party on Friday. It's at my friend's house. Everyone from school is gonna be there." I'm not really the party type but... If Ryan's there...

"Me? I don't know anyone from school..."

"You will. This'll help, I bet," I spin in my chair for a second, thinking. "I'll be there, you know me, don't you?" I shrug, but I know I'll end up going.

New school, here I come.