The New Kid in Class

The Dare

Brendon's POV

I don't know anyone here. I feel like a loser.

Here I am at this stupid party that Ryan told me to come to. I don't know why I did. People all around me are drinking and smoking and talking about god knows what.

A few of them stand around on the front lawn, but I can see that most of the party is inside. Slowly, I follow the sidewalk to the open front door of the house and step inside.

It's the same in here. There is loud music playing behind all the muffled voices.

I can see Ryan from here. He's sitting on a crowded couch with a bunch of other people. He doesn't see me; just sits back and takes a sip from a beer bottle.

I make my way through the people in my path, and eventually reach the couch where Ryan is sitting. It takes him a while to even look in my direction and notice me standing there.
"Brendon! You came!" everyone looks in my direction. I just nod.

Something tells me this isn't Ryan's first drink. He slides over on the couch to make room for me, pushing one or two people off in the process.

I sit beside him without a word, and everyone seems to go back to whatever they were doing before I got here.

"This is Spencer," Ryan smiles, pointing to the dude sitting next to him. "He's my friend that I told you about." I mutter a small 'hello'.

Out of nowhere, someone decides to push the many drinks aside and take a seat on the coffee table in front of us.

"What the hell, man?" Spencer asks, saving his drink from being sat on.

"Hey. I'm bored. Let's do something," the guy on the table says.

"Like what?"

"I dunno. A game? Spin the bottle? Truth or dare?" Psh.

"Those are no fun, Brent," Ryan says, adding his part to the conversation.

"They are when half the people playing are drunk," a smirk creeps onto 'Brent's face.

"Fine, fine," Spencer agrees to the game, and some of the surrounding people decide they want to play too.

I think everyone here is drunk but me. Most of them take dares, and do stupid things like run around the block in their underwear or something like that. The dares go on like this, in no particular order for about 10 minutes.

It's Spencer's turn. He looks around at everyone, thinking about who to dare, and what to dare them to do. I don't think it takes him too long to decide.

"Ryan," he smirks, "Truth or Dare?"

"Dare," Another one. How exciting. Each dare seems to be more stupid than the last.

"Okay. I dare you to..." he pauses to think up the worst thing possible, then he looks like he has an idea, "Kiss Brendon."
