The New Kid in Class

Chapter 15

Brendon's POV

I wasn't drunk last night. I know what happened. I came up here to be alone. It's not my fault he followed me up here.

I guess I was hoping that in the morning he'd confess his love for me and we'd live happily ever after.

But we didn't. So here I stand, in the doorway of Spencer's bedroom. I haven't moved from this spot since Ryan left, which was a couple minutes ago.

I hear footsteps approach from behind. Is it possible that my lover has returned? No. It's just Spencer. I guess he just woke up too. His hair is all over the place and he's rubbing his eyes.

"Hey," I say.

"Morning," he nods, "Why'd you guys have to use my bedroom? I had to sleep on the couch."

"Sorry," I smile.

"Do I have to uh... wash my sheets?" he asks with a disgusted look on his face. I shake my head.

"I don't think Ryan likes me," Spencer looks surprised at this statement. Something tells me he doesn't deal with guy-guy relationships too often.

"Why do you say that?"

"Well, he just told me that everything that happened last night wouldn't have happened if he was sober."

"Oh," nice input there, Spence.

"And he keeps going on about some guy who took a picture of us together. Thinks he's going to put it on the internet or something."

"Oh. That would suck, wouldn't it?"

"Nice choice of words there, Spencer," he blushes.