The New Kid in Class

I swear I'm not drunk this time

Ryan's POV

My Mika ringtone starts to play. I pick up my phone and flip it open.

1 new text message. The screen reads.

I check it. It's from Spencer.
brendon just left. sounds like you were being an idiot.

What a lovely text to recieve from a long-time friend of mine. I start typing up a reply.
what did you expect me to say? i dont like dudes, so sue me

I hit send and set my phone back down. It doesn't take long for Spencer to reply.
doesnt mean you had to be a jerk about it. id apologize if i was you

So soon? Meh, I probably should. The thought never crossed my mind. I snap my phone shut and slip it in my pocket.

On the way to Brendon's house my phone doesn't ring again; no more texts from Spencer. I'm doing this for him. Otherwise, I wouldn't be doing this.

I ring the doorbell, and it takes a while for someone to come to the door. Must be all those boxes.

Brendon answers the door, but as soon as he sees me, he starts to close it in my face. I get my hand on the door just in time, and pull it back before he squishes my hand. He looks at me for a second before letting go of the door and walking back into the house. I follow.

"Brendon..." he weaves his way through the boxes along the hallway, and goes into his room, shutting the door behind him. I sigh, "Brendon, I came here to uh... apologize," Nothing.

"So uh, I'm sorry. For what I said this morning. And if I said anything last night..." I clear my throat. "I'm sorry," I wait for a reply, but nothing comes.

He opens the door so fast I feel the wind. He stares into my eyes so hard I have to look away.

"Why'd you come?"

"Uh... I dunno, I just... thought I'd apologize..." I bite my lip. I know that isn't true. The fact that Spencer practically ordered me to do it and the lack of something better to do were better reasons.

To be honest, I think I kind of missed him. Standing here, I wish I hadn't drank as much as I had, and that I didn't do what I did. Then, maybe, I wouldn't be in this position.

"You're sorry?" I nod. "Psh. An apology, that makes everything so much better."

I don't know what comes over me, but in the next moment, my lips are on his. He's too shocked to push me away for the first couple seconds, but finally he's back to normal. He gives me a dirty look.

"I swear I'm not drunk this time," I smile. He doesn't. This is what I've been missing.

"Who paid you to do this?"

"What? No one," I don't think he knows what to believe. I mean, the guy who told him he didn't want to be with him is here kissing him, telling him he came here because he wanted to. I wouldn't believe me.