The New Kid in Class


Ryan's POV (again)

"So let me get this straight..." Spencer coughs, "You kissed him before you ever went on a date?" he asks.

"Yeah, I guess so..." I take a sip of my coffee.

"You whore," I giggle. "So are you gonna go out or something?"

"Yeah. On Friday."

"I thought you said you didn't like guys," I bite my lip. A good observation.

"Okay, I kind of went a little far on the apology just to shut him up..." I admit. "But I think I'm starting to like him..."

"Dude, he's gonna hate you if he finds out."

"But he won't. Right, Spencer?" I bat my eyelashes at him.

"Uh... no?" Spencer goes back to sipping his drink innocently.

"So what about you? How's the boyfriend?" I ask, even though I know Spencer only goes for the ladies.

"What? I don't have one," He gives me a dirty look, "And I don't want one, either," He adds on the last part just to make sure I know.

I look at my watch. "I should get going now, Spence," I empty the last of my coffee into my mouth. "See ya at school tomorrow," He gives an unenthusiastic wave goodbye without looking at me.


As soon as I get in the front door, I can hear my mom calling me from the kitchen, "Ryan, where did you go this morning?" Oops. Maybe I forgot to tell her I was going out.

"I just went for coffee with Spencer, mom," Oddly enough, while my mom is overprotective, my dad doesn't really seem to care what I do.

I look into the living room. My little sister is in there watching TV.

"Hey, Leah," she's too interested in her Barbies or Bratz or whatever the hell little girls play with these days to answer me.

I walk into the kitchen. My mom is busy washing the floor. "Ryan, can you do me a favor this Friday?"

"What favor?" I take a seat on the counter, almost knocking down a can of peanuts in the process.

"I need you to take Leah to her friend's house, she's having a sleepover. Your dad and I are both too busy to do it ourselves."

"Yeah, I... Oh, wait. I just remembered, I can't. I'm busy on Friday," I remember my first date with Brendon.

"Busy? Doing what? It can't be that important..." Yes it can, mom. Your son has a date with a dude.

"Uh, well... I'm going somewhere with a friend on Friday," Knowing my mom, 'somewhere' is not specific enough for her.

"With Spencer?" I guess it is. For now.

"No, mom," I sigh. "It's this other guy from school."

"Well, can you postpone it? I'm sure your friend won't mind," parents just don't understand.

"No, mom. I guess I can drive her as long as it's before I have to pick him up," she gives me a questioning look.

"Thanks," she goes back to her mopping.