The New Kid in Class


Ryan's POV

As I pull my car up to the curb in front of his house, I realize Brendon is sitting on the steps in front of his house. He's waiting for me. And I'm not even late. I honk the horn to get his attention. He looks in my direction, and starts walking over. He pulls the car door open and slides into the passenger seat.

"Hey," I say as I start driving.

"Hey," he's quieter than usual. I think nothing of it.

We arrive at the movie theater a few minutes later. A movie for a first date. Yes, it's lovely. Brendon buys a bucket of popcorn while I buy the tickets. The movie I've chosen for us to see is one that isn't a chick flick - ew - and isn't a major action movie either. It's kind of in between, which is good for a first date, I think.

The theater is relatively empty, which is cool. We run up the steps and sit in the top row, our feet sticking to the floor as we go. I don't know why so many people come here for dates. It really is a gross place.

At first, it's only Brendon eating the popcorn, but he finally offers me some. We share it, careful not to have our hands touch - as if it was right out of a movie.

The movie is pretty boring. It's some adventure story, with a stupid love story thrown in. And now - ugh - they're having sex. Just perfect. Nothing could've made this night worse.

Except that. Brendon and I both shift uncomfortably in our seats. I look over at him. He forces a smile. I look back to the screen and sigh. If I knew this was going to be in the movie, I wouldn't have picked it.


As soon as the movie is over, Brendon says, "Well that was lovely."

I giggle. "I didn't think that would be in there, honestly."

"Oh well, it was an okay movie otherwise," I shrug, too lazy to tell him my opinion of the movie.

"So uh... I guess I'll drive you home?" We're exiting the theater now.

"I guess." He looks a little disappointed. What'd I say?

The ride back to our street is pretty uneventful, with a little conversation about the movie along the way. I pull up to the curb in front of his house. He remains sitting for a second.
"I had fun tonight. Even with that... interesting movie," he smiles. I nod.

"Me too," he opens his door and gets out. I don't drive away. I wait to make sure he gets in okay. But he doesn't walk towards his house - he walks around the car to my door. I roll down the window, and he bends down until his face is at my level. "I'll uh... see you at school Monday?" I say, still curious why he's at my door like this. He bites his lip as if nervous about something.

And then I see what he's nervous about. Moving his face quickly, he ends up right in front of mine. He doesn't hesitate long before he kisses me on the lips. I kiss back. He puts his arm around me, as difficult as it is when he's outside the car.

This goes on for what feels like hours, but I know it was only a few seconds in reality. Of course, being the clumsy bastard I am, I bump my head on the top of my open window. Hearing the sound of my skull breaking open Brendon pulls away. These things always happen to me at the most convenient times.

"Are you okay?" I rub my head. I think I feel a bump coming on.

"Yea... I'll uh... See you tomorrow," I pull the car away from his house before he can say anything; or move back. But I don't hear any blood-curdling screams coming from the guy who just got his toes run over, so I'm guessing he's alright.