The New Kid in Class


Ryan's POV

P.E. was pretty bad today. Thanks to numerous laps around the football field, the whole class, including me, could really use a shower. We don't have very long to make ourselves presentable before our next class, so a lot of the guys start removing clothing as soon as they're in the door.

As soon as I have my shirt off, Brendon's right there next to me.

"Hey." he smiles. What a nice place to have a conversation. And the timing couldn't be more convenient. I nod in acknowledgement (n/a: whoa, long word..) as I make my way to the showers. Hesitantly, I take off my shorts and boxers.

Surprise - Brendon takes the spot right next to me. I always take the corner shower because I don't really want to shower near a bunch of other guys. It feels pretty odd having Brendon there. Having him see my body before I'm ready for him to.

After I've rinsed off quickly, I walk over to where my clothes are on the bench. I make sure to pull on some clothes as soon as I'm dry in the slightest.

Brendon shows up soon after, dripping wet, and not wearing anything at all.

Today it seems it's harder than usual to keep my eyes off everyone else. It's not that I've ever really been interested, but how easy is it to let your eyes drift to someone else's body when it's right there in front of you?

"Friday was awesome, by the way," I keep my eyes on the bench as he dries himself off.

"Don't talk about that. Not here," my voice is quiet as I mist myself with body spray.

"Why not?" he finally pulls on some clothes.

"Because," I look around at all the guys who could possibly overhear our conversation. I hope he catches my drift.

"Oh," I steal a quick glance at him. He's doing up the button on his too-tight jeans, "Okay," he sounds disappointed, but I think nothing of it.

I put on my shirt, pick up my stuff, and start to leave. I turn back when I hear Brendon say my name.

"Wait up," I sigh and plop back down onto the bench. He's taking forever. Basically everyone is gone. The bell echoes (sp?) through the room.

Just as the last guy leaves the room, he says, "I want a kiss," I groan. A sweaty change room isn't exactly my idea of a romantic place. "Just here," he taps a spot on his cheek. I get up and make my walk towards him painstakingly slow.

Right before my lips graze his skin, he turns his head. Of course. Our lips meet. He places his right hand on my lower back and pulls me close. Soon, I feel his tongue tickling my bottom lip. I open my mouth, and feel his tongue inside.

We 'make out' for about half a minute, before we hear the door swing open. Pulling apart quickly, we both grab our stuff and leave.
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Lawl at my random insertion of the album's title :D