The New Kid in Class


Ryan's POV

"Give this to your dad on your way out," my mom hands me a brown travel mug filled with coffee. I'm on my way out anyway, and the garage isn't too much of a detour. My dad's always in there. He's a motorcycle freak. When he got that raise at work, what'd he do? Buy things for his family? No. More important things... Like a Harley for himself.

I put the cup on a filing cabinet against the wall. My dad hears me come in, and he looks up from the bike he was polishing.

"Thanks, kiddo," an annoying nickname, yes. I glance over at the bike, and the glare hurts my eyes. Why the hell would it need polishing. "Where are you going, Ryan?"

"Out," I exit the garage through the open door.

The familiar high-pitched song starts to play from inside my pocket just about as soon as I'm on the driveway. I pull out my phone, and flip it open. Yes, I'm old school. No sliding phones for Ryan. I don't even have an iPod.

"Hey," a voice speaks before I say anything.

"Uh, hi. What's up?" it's Brendon. I can tell from his voice. And from the number on the caller ID.

"Just wondering if you wanted to uh... Hang out later?"

"I don't know about that," I don't really have other plans, but what the heck, "I have stuff to do tonight," I lie.

"Oh. Well how about tomorrow night?" I bite my lip.

"Brendon, I don't know about any night."

"What? Why not?" he sounds shocked. Well, I would be too, if I were in his shoes.

"Well, my mom's already starting to get a bit suspicious," I regret saying it as soon as the words escape my throat.

"After one date?" he chuckles, "So what if they know, anyway? Why don't you just tell them you like guys?" he says, half-joking. I stop walking at the end of the street.

"Who even said I do?" I already know the answer.

"You did," he reminds me. "Look, if you really don't want to be in a relationship with me, then just forget it," he sounds hurt again.

"No, I... I do. I'm just not ready to tell my parents yet. My dad... He'd freak. And who knows what my mom would think," a bisexual, eyeliner-wearing son is not his idea of a manly motorcycle nerd.

"Fine, but you have to tell them someday," I continue walking, "And I don't want this to keep us from seeing each other," I say nothing. "Ryan, I really like you. I want to see you as much as I possibly can," I feel myself starting to blush.

"Yea... Okay."

"I'll see you at school tomorrow, then?"

"Yea. Bye," I flip my phone shut and put it back in my pocket.
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Hay people. Any Rydons to recommend? I need something good to read.. xD
Frerards will do, too.