The New Kid in Class


Ryan's POV

I don't even know where the hell I'm going. Here I am, outside, walking in no particular direction at all. I've just had a bit of an argument with my.. boyfriend. Is that even what he is?
Being with a dude... It's just a totally different experience for me, and I don't know how to handle it.

I've been in relationships before, sure. With girls.

I do care about Brendon, no doubt about that, I just need to get used to some things first.
One of my biggest worries right now is how I'm going to tell my parents. I could avoid telling them for the rest of my life, but that's not how I want to live. Having to hide my 'significant other' because he's a he is not my idea of a good relationship.

The sky is overcast. It's pretty unusual for the sun to be hidden like this. I shiver as the wind blows against my bare arms.

The whole reason I fought with Brendon was because I was afraid to go out with him, in case someone figured out what was going on. But that's just it. What if I did tell my parents? What if I told everyone? Would anything really change?

Although it was rare, it did rain occasionally in Las Vegas. The grey clouds opened up and rain started to fall. It wasn't much, but enough to start soaking my t-shirt.

Maybe that's just what I should do. Tell. I'm sure it'd hurt more to keep this a secret than to tell.

I stop in my tracks and turn around. I had been walking away from Brendon's house - or maybe I had been avoiding the issue of coming out - but now I turned around and headed in the other direction.


I push the doorbell with one finger, and wait. I hear movement behind the dark brown door, and eventually hear the deadbolt sliding back.

Brendon's mom opened the door.

"Hi, Ryan," She smiles. "I'm guessing you're here to see Brendon? He's in his room," she doesn't wait for an answer, because she already knows it.

I nod and step in as she moves aside. I kick off my shoes and leave them on the welcome mat just inside the door.

I haven't been here many times, but I knew my way to Brendon's room. When I pushed his door open, he was sitting back on his bed, typing away on his laptop.

"Hey," he speaks without averting his eyes from the screen. The glow of it makes his face blue.

"Hi," I step onto the soft beige carpet and make my way to his bed. The springs in his mattress creak in protest as I sit down beside him. I lean my head on his shoulder and wait for him to finish the game he's playing.

In a matter of minutes, he exits the game, and closes the laptop.

"What's up?" he kisses the top of my head. I can't help but smile. To be able to do this without having to worry about who's watching... that would be awesome.

"I'm sorry about before..." he puts his arm around my shoulder, shivering as his arm touches the rainwater on my shirt, and pulls me closer. "I've been thinking... Maybe I do want to tell them," he looks down at me now, looking a little shocked.

"Are you sure? I mean... that was quick," I nod. "When?"

"As soon as possible, I guess. Today?" he bites his lip. "Does your mom know about you?"

"Yea. She's fine with it. But who knows what your parents will think?"

"I don't know. I don't really care," I sigh, "I just want them to know," I stretch my neck so I can kiss him. "Would you come with me? To tell them?"

"If you want me there, I'll come," I nod.

"Thanks so much. I don't think I'd be able to do it without you," I kiss him again, but pull away fast as I hear the door open.

"Sorry to interrupt..." it's his mom. "I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but... Ryan, I think you're making the right choice," I nod, still surprised that she'd commented on the issue like this.

"With Brendon... Well, I could always kind of tell..." she smiles at Brendon, making him blush.

"But when he told me, I was happy. Happy to know he trusted me enough to tell me something like that. I don't think your parents will care. They shouldn't, anyway. You're their child, their first-born... Well anyway, good luck," she hurries out of the room.

"Well that was interesting," I smile up at him, his face still redder than normal. "Shall we?" I gesture to the door.

He nods and we both get up.
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Whoa, long. And yay, new font.