The New Kid in Class

Coming Out

Brendon's POV

Everything seems to be going so fast. A few weeks ago, I was coming to my new school, and now, here I am, with my boyfriend who's planning on telling his parents he's bisexual.

Weird, isn't it? And yet, here I am.

The walk from my house to Ryan's isn't very long, and his house is now only a few feet away.

"Oh, god," he sighs audibly, "I really don't want to do this."

"Don't worry about it. You're doing the right thing." I pat him on the shoulder as we walk up his driveway.

The garage door is open, so we go in that way. The man who I assume is Ryan's dad is inside.

"Dad, would you come in the house?" Ryan says as we walk by, "There's something I need to tell you guys..." I follow behind him into the house.


After getting his family to sit in the living room, they're now all wondering what he's got them here for. His younger sister is visibly bored, and wishing to be elsewhere; as I'm sure he is too.

With both of us standing in the middle of the room nervously, it kind of makes me think his parents know what he's here to say. But they let him speak first.

"So, um... You're probably wondering why I made you all come in here, but..." he looks to me as if I have all the answers. "Okay, look. I want you all to know that I am... Bisexual." his face turns red as soon as the words escape his lips.

I look around the room to take in everyone's reaction. His sister looks confused, - poor girl probably doesn't even know what the word means - his mother looks... scared? And his dad has almost no expression on his face at all.

"This is my, uh... boyfriend, Brendon," he gulps, "And... I'm gonna leave now." he's obviously in a rush to leave, and he heads for the door leading to the garage.

"Ryan, wait," his dad stands up, "You're sure about this?" Ryan nods.

All heads turn to look at Ryan's mom, who's still seated. She's let out a sob, and the tears she must have been holding back start to fall.

"Mom..." Ryan takes a step towards his mother. He looks hurt, and who wouldn't be.

"Ryan, I think you'd better go," his dad looks at the floor.

"Why?... Where? I don't have anywhere to..."

"Please. We need time to think," Ryan bites his lip and walks, as fast as possible, to the door.

On our way out, we hear one thing: "What's bisexual?"
♠ ♠ ♠
In case any of you noticed, the story was suspended. That's 'cause I wasn't putting spaces between paragraphs or whatever. So I guess I'll be doing that from now on x[

Ow. My cat just tried to jump up to the top of my desk. And he fell. And knocked something onto my hand ):