The New Kid in Class


Brendon's POV

Ryan takes my hand as soon as we're on the sidewalk. He's still walking as quickly as before; I have to speed walk to keep up.

"Do you think they'll kick me out?" his voice cracks.

"No, don't worry about it. They just need time to... think. Like your dad said," he slows down a little, and keeps his hand in mine.

A short time later, I look over. He's sniffing and rubbing his eyes with the back of his free hand. My boyfriend is crying.

"Ryan..." I stop walking and pull him into a tight hug. He sobs into my shoulder, "Please stop crying. You can stay at my house tonight."

He pulls back and sniffs. His eyes are bloodshot and his makeup has run down his cheeks. I wipe a stray tear away with my thumb, and kiss his tear-stained cheek.

"C'mon," I take his hand and continue walking in the direction of my house.


As soon as mom sees Ryan's bloodshot eyes, she asks what happened. I tell her, and make sure it's okay he can stay with us. She readily agrees, and runs off to set up the couch for him to sleep on.

Never having let go of Ryan's hand, I lead him down the narrow hallway to my room. He leaves my side and lets himself fall onto my bed.

"My mom's gonna set up the couch for you tonight. And you can borrow some of my pajamas if you want..." he just nods, keeping his eyes on the ceiling, "Stop being so depressed. Everything's going to be fine," I sit down on the edge of the bed.

"I hope you're right. Didn't you see my mom? She was crying. Don't try to tell me that's a good sign."

"Well... No... But I'm sure it was just shock... It's not every day your son tells you they like guys," he smiles, and in turn, I do too. "You're adorable, you know that?" his smile, unfortunately, fades quickly. His cheeks start turning red.

"Can I sleep in here tonight instead?"

"Sure. I can go sleep on the couch..."

"No, no. Stay with me," he reaches for my hand again.

"Oh. Sure, if my mom doesn't mind," hesitantly, I take my hand from his and get up, "Mom! Ryan wants to stay in my room!" I yell out my door.

"I don't know about that..." she walks to the bottom of the stairs.

"Mom... We're not gonna... do anything," I hesitate at the last part, hating to discuss anything even loosely related to sex with my mom.

I sigh and walk back into my room. Ryan's still laying across my bed, his feet dangling over the edge, "Yea, you can stay in here," he smiles, "My mom's just worried about us 'doing stuff'..."

He giggles, "How do you know I'm not planning on doing stuff?" he jokes... I think.


"Are you planning on sleeping in your clothes?" I tease Ryan, who is still lying on my bed, fully clothed.

"I didn't bring any PJs," he pouts.

"You can borrow some of mine. They might be big on you, but too bad," I smile, throwing him a pair of plaid pajama pants and a t-shirt.

I can't really believe this is happening. I'm sleeping in the same bed with my boyfriend. In my parents' house, nonetheless, but still the same bed.

After both of us are changed and ready for bed, we both get into bed.

"Man, this is weird," he says, moving around to get comfortable. I can feel every move he makes.

"I know. But I'm glad you're here," I smile, putting a hand to his cheek. He sneaks a peck on my lips, "Hey, I told my mom, no 'doing stuff'," it's my turn to pout.

"Party pooper," he says as he closes his eyes.
♠ ♠ ♠
In case you noticed, the story is now R instead of PG-13. This is because they don't swear a ton in those movies, and well... I do.

And this way, you get hotter boysex. And, be honest, who doesn't want that?