The New Kid in Class

Thank You

Brendon's POV

"Thank you," Ryan says, stuffing another piece of waffle in his mouth.

"For what?" I say, having completely forgotten about last night. I guess I just imagined he lived with me somehow.

"You know what," he smiles, "If it wasn't for you, I don't know where I'd be right now."

"Spencer's house?"

"Well, maybe, but he's not nearly as good a kisser," Ryan says, leaning across the table to kiss me on the lips. I must say, it's way more convenient having my mom at work this morning.

"How would you know?" My comment makes Ryan giggle - the cutest laugh in the world, might I add - and I find it hard to keep a straight face myself. Just as we're finishing up our breakfast, a song starts to play in Ryan's pocket. He takes out his phone and flips it open.

"Hello?" he says, rolling his eyes. It's really inconvenient hearing only half the conversation. "Hi, mom. Yea, we're going to school today... I stayed at Brendon's house," he pauses for a second, letting his mom talk. "Will do. See you later. Bye." He flips the phone closed and sighs.

"I'm guessing that was your mom?" Hooray for Captain Obvious!

"Yeah. She wants me to come home after school," he explains. "But I guess that's a good thing."

"Well, we'd better get going, then," I say, grabbing my plate and his and putting them in the sink. I offer him my hand, and he takes it.

On most days my mom would drive me to school, but today is different. The walk is relatively long, but every once in a while, I don't mind it. It gives me a chance to think; to clear my head. Now is one of the times I'm glad to have the chance.

After locking the door on our way out, we walk, hand in hand, to school.


The first thing I see when we get to school - his hand no longer in mine - is Spencer. He's standing on the steps at the entrance to our school, waiting. Many of the usual stragglers who are found on the steps at this time are already inside. I guess we're kinda late.

"Ryan, where the hell have you been?" he says, a little too loudly. "I called your house last night, but when I asked to talk to you, your mom just hung up on me."

"Spence, I... I told them," Ryan says, his voice quieter than normal.

"Told them? You told them?" he says, his eyes widening in the realization of just what Ryan told. "So where were you, then?"

"Brendon's house," he explains casually, fighting back a smile.

"Did you get kicked out?" What a lovely way to put it. As if he'd been literally kicked out the door by his parents.

"No, but I think it was better for me to be out of the house for a while. I'm going back tonight." The late bell interrupts our conversation, "Well, I guess we'd better go... See you later Spence."

"Ryan, wait," Spencer catches his arm just as we're leaving. "I just want you to know, if you ever need somewhere to stay, or someone to talk to, I'm here too."

"I know."
♠ ♠ ♠
Um. Wtf? I honestly lost track of what day of the week it's supposed to be xD So it's gonna be Monday in this chapter. Because I'm cool like that.

GOD, I am so sorry I haven't updated in forever. To be honest, it's pretty much due to my laziness. The three things I've been doing lately: Watching Queer As Folk and Dexter, and doing Wii fit. And a bunch of other random lazy-person kind of stuff. But yea, I updated finally ^^ Hope you enjoyed it.