The New Kid in Class


Ryan's POV

School felt longer than ever today. You'd think it'd go by quickly, because what lay ahead was not something I looked forward to. But no, someone out there hated me, and wanted me to wait as long as possible to find out what waited for me at home.

Who knows how my parents could react? Are they asking me to come home just to tell me I'm not welcome there anymore? Or are they going to tell me they accept me, and things will be the same as always? I guess I'll find out soon.

As with this morning, we have no ride, and are forced to take the long trek home after school. Another long time spent waiting; wondering.

So here we are, just a few blocks from home, Brendon's hand in mine. All is right with the world. Ryan Ross' world, anyways.

A week ago, if you'd asked me what my sexuality was, I would've said 'Straight. Never looked at a boy like that, never will. They can have their lifestyle, but it's not the one for me.' Well, I guess I was wrong. It's my first time being with a boy, and I can honestly say I've never been happier.

I'd love to climb to the highest point in Las Vegas and yell it at the top of my lungs - My name is George Ryan Ross, and I like boys! - but I can't. Not yet.

A constant reminder of exactly who I don't want to know is waiting for us when we turn the corner onto our street.

It's Nathalie, and she's sitting on the curb outside her house, taking a drag from a cigarette. I never did like that about her.

I pull my hand away from Brendon's, but it's not quick enough. She sees us, and she stands up.

"Ryan, what the fuck is this?" she yells, dropping the cigarette to the ground. She crushes it with her foot. "You left me for a guy?"

"Look, it isn't like that..." It really isn't. I never planned for this to happen. It just did.

"So the pictures are true? You're a fag," she laughs to herself. Haha. Funny.

I ignore her harsh words and continue down the sidewalk, pulling Brendon by the hand. Luckily, she doesn't say any more; doesn't follow us or anything.

Now for the main attraction...

My mom is standing on the front step when we get to my house. She looks relieved to see me.

"Oh, Ryan, Honey," she says, tears springing to her eyes. Again. She hugs me, pulling back and looking into my eyes like I've been gone forever.

"I'm fine, mom. Really," I murmur. Couldn't we just get to the point already?

"Come in. Come in." Well, I guess that's a plus. She hurries inside the house, expecting me to follow. I don't. Yet.

I make my way over to Brendon, who is standing at the end of the pathway to the front door. My mom didn't even acknowledge him. "Bye. Thanks so much for everything," I smile, planting a kiss on his cheek.

Brendon slips his arm around my waist and kisses me on the lips, "No problem. Good luck in there," he smiles.

Hesitantly, I pull away from my boyfriend and head for the front door.
♠ ♠ ♠
You can thank Cemetery.Vampire for this one; she's the one who nagged me to write it xP

By the way. Nathalie is a good friend of mine. I did not intend to make the character named after her a bitch, but, that's what happened. D: I still love ya Nat.

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