The New Kid in Class

Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones...

Ryan's POV

As soon as I walked into school this morning, I knew something had changed. Normally, my friends would say 'Hi' to me as I passed them in the hall on the way to my locker. Today, everyones' conversations seemed to stop dead when I came within hearing range. I'm also greeted by some confused and disgusted looks.

Spencer's standing by my locker when I get there. He looks nervous. I soon find out why.

Written in thick, black letters down the door of my locker is the word 'FAG'. Lovely.

"So," I sigh, continuing to open my locker as if nothing's happened. "What's up?"

"Umm... Not much..." he says hesitantly, probably still wondering why I don't seem to care about the graffiti on my locker. I shove the books I need for my morning classes into my bag. "How're you?"

"Oh, I'm great," I mumble, heavy on the sarcasm. I slam the door of my locker, making Spencer jump. "So, did you do this?" I ask, gesturing towards the word someone so thoughtfully wrote.

"What? No!" he shouts, suddenly scared. "I don't know who did it. But the word is definitely around school now."

"What about the picture? Didn't that give them some sort of hint?" Really, how stupid could people be?

"Well, y'know, with Photoshop and whatnot these days... you can do anything," he smirks, stopping when he realizes I don't think it's funny. We start walking towards class. "But yea, I guess no one really got it then... Maybe someone talked shit about you-"

"Fuck. It was Nathalie." I should've known.

"Oh. Well that makes sense, I guess," he mutters, stopping at the doorway to my classroom. Unfortunately, we don't have our first class together. "Bitch." It always makes me smile when Spencer swears. He doesn't do it too often.

He gives me a pitiful smile, and walks away.

I walk into the classroom as slowly as possible, dreading the awkward walk to my seat that is sure to come. Just as I'd thought, the few people in their desks look at me when I come in. Some of them are too shy; their gazes drift away almost immediately. But others follow me with their eyes all the way to my seat.

The way this day is going, I'm even happier than before to see Brendon sitting in the back of the room. He smiles.

"God, today's gonna be great, I can tell." I lay the sarcasm on thick again. From the face Brendon makes at that comment, I would say he already knows the news. Not that he had to be told. I'd say my wanting to kiss him would probably give it away.

"Sorry," he apologizes, his voice low.

"Don't be sorry. This isn't your fault," I say. The teacher enters the room, now. It's a substitute.

As the stout little man turns around to write his name on the blackboard, Brendon continues our conversation.

"I just feel like... If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't be the way you are now." I try to hold back a laugh. This always happens in books or movies. Somebody blames themselves for something they didn't - couldn't - do. But this is no movie. This, unfortunately, is my life.

"Don't think like that. It's not your fault you're so irresistible," I smile, and it's infectious. His face splits into a grin, and the teacher begins to speak, ending the conversation.
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Sorry it took me a while again v.v

My Oma and Opa are here visiting, and I'm trying to spend time with them.

But WOOT today is my birthday :]. I am now 16. :D Lucky you. I updated on my birthday xP

P.S. I made it up that Spencer doesn't swear often. I have no idea. xD He probably does, seeing as everyone in the band does v.v Oh well.