The New Kid in Class

I've got a secret...

Brendon's POV

We walk in through the doors to what I'm guessing is the cafeteria. Through the small windows in the door, I can see students - ranging from grades 9 through 12 seated at tables, eating, talking, and whatever else one does at lunch.

As we walk in, I see a counter at the back where food is being served; ugh, cafeteria food. My family moves around a lot, and I never really have time to get used to a new town; a new school. I don't usually make any friends, or atleast this quick. No one's usually this nice to me, and although Ryan doesn't really seem to like me yet, I'll try anyway.

Besides, he's kinda cute.

Oh. Right. When I was in grade 9, I started noticing I didn't really like girls; not like the other guys. They all went crazy over them, but not me. They were alright as friends, I guess, but I didn't find any of them attractive - at all. It was then I found out that girls weren't for me. I prefer guys. This is another reason I don't make many friends. As soon as I tell anyone - which I often do, - they reject me. It really sucks.

Ryan walks up to the counter at the back of the room, buying his lunch. I wasn't really sure what this school had for lunch, so I brought my own. I follow Ryan anyway.

After buying his lunch, he walks to an empty table. It's a round table, with five chairs spread out around it. He sits down, and so do I. I have to admit, the food he has doesn't look half bad. I'd rather eat the food I brought from home, but, it looks edible, at least.

"So... uh... where'd you come from? Like... before this school?" he asks, trying to make conversation.
"Palo Verde," I say the name of my school; a highschool not that far from here. It's actually one of the smallest moves my family has ever made. Only the other side of Vegas.

"Never heard of it," he says, eating a forkful of salad.

"No one around here really...has," I hesitate as I notice a guy walk by - a very good looking one. I follow him with my eyes, until he gets out of sight.

Ryan notices the way I'm looking at him, and he follows my gaze, and looks back to me, "What was that about?" he asks.

"What?" I try to act clueless.

"That. I saw how you watched him. Do you think he's hot or something?" he joked.

"Uh huh," I smiled. I'm not gonna lie. His smile faded, but soon returned.

"You're joking, right?" I shake my head, my smile not disappearing in the slightest.

"Go ahead. Hate me if you want," many people I've met have stopped talking to me just because of this. "It's happened before. I don't care," He didn't say anything. He just looked surprised.

"I uh..." right. Just what I expected. "I'm not gonna hate you for that. It just... I didn't really expect it, that's all," he blushed. I don't know why a couple minutes ago he was fine with talking to me, but now it made him embarassed to do so.