The New Kid in Class

Love isn't easy.

Brendon's POV

I look down at my watch. 3:08 PM.

School just let out, and right now I'm sitting on the front steps of the school, waiting for my mom to pick me up. Sounds kind of baby-ish I know, but we don't really have the money for another car right now -seeing as we just moved here- and my mom has the car all day at work. I don't really mind, for now, as long as I get to school and stuff.

I sigh, pulling my knees up to my chest. I look up as Ryan walks down the stairs nearby. He doesn't seem to notice me. I watch as he makes his way across the parking lot towards a fairly old looking silver car.

Before he has the chance to get in, a girl with long blonde hair runs towards him. She wraps her arms around him and kisses him on the lips. I feel my insides tighten and my heart skips a beat. I can't stand looking at them anymore, so I look away. This can't be jealousy I'm feeling... Can it?

I break from my thoughts at the honk of a car horn. I look up and see that my mom is waiting at the bottom of the stairs for me. I walk down the stairs, my bag slung over one shoulder, and hop into the front seat of the car. The feeling has not subsided. The car drives off in silence, and the feeling only goes away after we are no longer in the parking lot.