The New Kid in Class

So close and yet so far

Ryan's POV

As I'm driving to my house, I notice a house just down the street from mine has it's for sale sign missing. The previous owners moved out not too long ago. There's a green car parked on the side of the street in front of the house and a moving truck parked in the driveway. I guess the new owners are here.

I slow the car down slightly as I drive past, to see if I can get a glimpse of the newest additions to my street. I see a middle-aged woman carrying a box up the walk to the house. After her come two guys carrying a couch, one of which looks extremely familiar. Is that...Brendon?

I honk the car horn, and he looks in my direction. He raises a hand giving me the 'one sec' gesture, continuing to carry the couch into the house. He comes back outside afterwards, and walks over to my car, which is now parked outside his house next to the curb.

"Hey," he says, leaning down to talk to me through the open window.

"Hey, I'm guessing this is your new place?"

"Yup. So what brings you here?" he smiles.

"Well, uh... actually, I live on this street too."

"Oh. Cool. So what's up?"

"Um.. Nothing really. Just heading home," I decide not to tell him about what just happened.

"Are you busy tonight?" he asks, almost hesitantly.

"Uh...No, Why?"

"Y'know, I thought maybe we could do a tutoring session or something," he smiles again.

"Oh. Sure."

"Okay. You can just come over at 7, if that's okay."

"Yea, I guess," he smiles and steps back from the car. I drive the short distance to my house from his.