A Like Story.


Lunch was more of the same - hanging out, getting to know each other more and talking about the things we love.
I learnt his family were devout Christians, but Jason didn't believe anything his church said. He shared the same belief as me - we all forge our own lives, loves and destiny’s.

Then, the dreaded bell went.
"What you got now?" I asked him.
"Metal-work." Jason replied.
"Ah, the class of champions!" Benji said, clapping Jason on the shoulder.
"Yeah, little Miss. Female here isn't a champ." Jessie said. I poked out my tongue at him. "And neither is Brad." He pointed to Brad, who was busy stuffing stolen Sharpie pens into his bag.
"Well, were off to do some drama - so when we are world renowned actors and your making some ...thing on some oil rig out in nowhere, we'll see who’s laughing." I said with a flutter of my hand and a head-toss from Brad as we stalked away to the other side of the school.

I looked over my shoulder and met Jason's eyes. My heart fluttered for a millionth of a second - then I fell over.
The laughs were harsh, but I could stand it - and I laughed heartily myself. Brad had tears in his eyes as we rocked up to Drama.
Ak. Taliah.
"Nice trip, klutz." She snarled at me as her plastic-clone friends laughed.
"Nice cum-stain, slut." Brad quipped. Taliah looked down as most of the class erupted into fits of laughter. Brad looked proud of himself as I put a hand over my mouth to stop myself from snorting too bad.
Taliah and her slut-clones sat down at the far end of the class as the rest of them sat closer to Brad and me. There all complete sheep, I swear. If Taliah "wins" the bitch-off at the beginning, they all bask in HER glory. But if I win, then were clebs for the period.
Fickle, but I like to relish in it anyways.
As usual, Ms Jennings was late.
"Quiet down class," She said as she waifishly entered, "And get out your files-were in the library today." I groaned along with most of the class-theory work is the pitts.
Me and Brad got a desk to ourselves as we discussed what to do with the revolutionising of the musical age and it's impact on theatre.
"So, like, all these rock bands shitted up all the poncy music that these theatre flounces listened to?"
"No, it just paved the way for Disney to make a High School Musical and cash out - yet again."
"That was a crap movie."
"Yeah, and number One Hit CD my arse. They definitely needed to auto tune Blake for that one."
"MC Lars? But I thought you hated Rap?"
"Signing Emo is awesome. Besides, I like that Hearts That Hate song, even iif it's not the point."
"You are insane Kally." He said as he sat the chair back down.
"Yeah, I know. Family talent." I laughed.
"Your family’s not that bad." Brad pointed out.
"Your family is." I said slyly.
"Ah, but I'm aware of that.." Brad swing back on his chair and sighed. "Hey Kally."
"Yeah?" I replied, reclining over my chair, swinging. One day I'm going to fall off this chair.
"Will you go out with me?"
I fell.
Second crash of the day. I was going well.
Amid the laughter I got up, picked up my chair, got scolded by the teacher and sat back down. As soon as everybody had gotten back to work I asked "Huh? Did you just say ... ?"
"Um, well, sure then. Yeah, I'll go out with you." I said. What am I getting myself into? Brads like, my brother ...ew.
"Cool." He said, and smiled. I mentally slapped myself. Multiple times.
"So, erm ... why'd you ask?" Oooh, that was slick Kally.
"Its obvious isn't it?"
"Oh, yeah."
"The guys said it was a good idea."
"Oh, cool."
"I even asked that new guy, Jason and he told me to 'Go for it'." Brad positively beamed with delight. I was screwed so badly. Luckily for me, the bell went. My last class went by quickly. Brad was staring at me. It wasn't unusual, he always did. Now I knew why, but I wish ... I mean, Brad was the closest to a brother as I'd ever had, and now I'm going out with him. My first boyfriend. Kally S loves Brad J. Jesus ...
I jumped. It wasn't the bell, it was Benji's Mobile ringing. I'd completely been in my own world and apparently, the bell had gone.
"Race yas to the busstop?" Benji yelled.
"Nah, I’ve, erm ...me and Brad gotta chat."
"Ah." Benji said with a wink. "See yas tomorrow then. Brad." He said as he walked past him.
I hate confrontations.
We wandered over to our bags, lagging behind slowly so that everyone had gone already. I picked up my bag, turned and opened my mouth to say something and ... Brad pressed his lips against mine.