I Feel Love

A Glimpse Of The Truth

Brian caught Trevor walking to his locker. He slammed his body against it and Trevor ignored him. Brian looked at him confused and not understanding what was going on. Trevor grabbed his book from the top shelf and looked at Brian.

Trevor’s heart sank when he looked at those eyes he once dreamed of. Every part of his body began to feel numb as if he were to break down right there.

Brian shifted his weight and handed him a note from his back pocket before walking away.

Trevor’s hands were shaking the whole time as he held the piece of paper and walked to class.

He threw his books onto his lab table and fell into the seat, quickly unfolding the note in his hands.

I am really sorry for the way I reacted. You probably think I am also one those homophobic people now, but I’m not. I just didn’t know that there were other people like me here. I guess I’m the disease too.


Trevor’s eyes scanned the page. His heart that was torn apart was put back together.

As he flipped the paper over to refold it, he noticed the numbers written on the back. Underneath those letters were the words ‘call me’


Trevor tried to remain focused the rest of the day, but it was hard. So as soon as he was able to leave the hell they called school, he ran home.

His mother saw him come in running as fast as he could, and all she did was smile. She knew.

Trevor quickly punched the numbers into his phone and paced impatiently as he waited for the other line to pick up.

“Come on,” He said.

“Hello?” His voice called from the other end of the line, taking Trevor’s breath away.
“Hey, it’s Trevor,” He said nervously.
“Hang on,” He said sharply into the phone. Trevor could hear things being moved and pushed around on the other end.

“Sorry, my mom doesn’t like when I talk on the phone for hours on end,” Brian explained.
“What makes you think we’d be talking for hours?” Trevor asked curiously.
Brian smiled, “We have a lot of ground to cover.”
“That we do,” Trevor said leaning back onto his bed and staring up at the ceiling fan.