I Feel Love

Winter Passing

The weeks passed by and fall turned into winter. Snow fell from the sky, blanketing the earth in a good covering of white snow. With this in mind, Trevor was happy when school was canceled.

He shut his eyes after his mother came in and told him no school. Not even second later, Trevor’s phone began ringing. He looked at the name on the screen and smiled.

“Good morning!” He cooed into the phone.
“Hello,” He said seductively.
“Why so early?” Trevor asked getting up out of bed and stumbling over to the light switch.
“We don’t have any school,” Brian smiled.
“My parents aren’t home,” Brian announced.
“Meet me at the park in twenty minutes?” Trevor chripped.
“Of course,” Brian yawed.
“That’s what you get for waking me up at six thirty in the morning,” Trevor smirked.
“But you know it was worth it,” Brian pointed out.

“It was,” Trevor sighed, “Alright see you in a bit. Bye.”
“Bye.” Brian said and Trevor hung up.

He walked over to his closet and pulled out a pair of faded jeans and an old P.E. shirt from his middle school. He slung a grey hoodie over his shoulders and zipped it up before shoving his phone in his pocket.

“Where are you going?” His mother asked as he made his way downstairs.
“Riley’s,” Trevor said and kept on walking.
“Be careful!” His mother called out as the door shut behind him.

There was snow up to his ankle’s but Trevor kept on walking. It wasn’t that cold out, but the wind was terrible. Every step he took, he thought he was going to fall over. But the walk was worth it when he saw Brian standing next to the leafless tree in blue hoodie and black jeans.

Trevor took a few more steps before standing face to face with Brian. His eyes looked so blue today, and Trevor couldn’t help but notice.

“Hey,” He said.
“Hey,” Brian repeated.
“Your eyes look beautiful today,” Trevor flirted.
“Not as beautiful as you everyday,” Brian said making Trevor turn a slight rosy shade.

“Come on, it’s cold,” Brian said tugging on Trevor’s hand and walking away with him, fingers soon to be intertwined.

Brian unlocked the door to his home and let Trevor walk in first. Brian’s house seemed sort of like Trevor’s only a bit neater.

“Sorry if the place is a mess,” Brian said taking off his hoodie and throwing it on the couch. Trevor did the same.

“This is extremely clean compared to my house,” Trevor remarked.
“Blame it all on my mother,” Brian chuckled.
“Yeah,” Trevor said and went to sit down on the couch.