I Feel Love

I Kissed A Boy And I Liked It

Brian sat down next to him and then it became silent. Trevor couldn’t help but stare at Brian’s enticing crystal blue eyes.

“Are we together now?” Brian asked breaking the silence. Trevor was caught off guard by this question and began to panic. His weight shifted on the couch and he could feel his ears beginning to burn bright red. Brian took notice and moved closer to Trevor as he freaked out.

Without warning, Brian grabbed the collar of Trevor’s shirt and smashed their lips together. As if Trevor’s heart wasn’t already racing,

Trembling hands found their way to the back of Brian’s neck, pulling him closer. Each of them so lost in each other’s scent, falling more for each other.

Brian slid his tongue along the bottom of Trevor’s lips and he granted him entrance. Trevor broke away from Brian and rolled him over on the bottom. How they did this on the tiny couch, it’s still a mystery.

Trevor looked at Brian with a devilish grin plastered on his face. Brian smiled back, his eyes said it all. An uneasy feeling grew in the pit of Trevor’s stomach, but he liked it. It was the same feeling he got whenever Brian was near. That same feeling was there for nearly six months now.

Trevor leaned down next to Brian’s ear.

“I love you,” He whispered. Brian looked up at him with a huge grin.
“Really?” He asked like a five year old who was just told they could go to the candy store.
“Mhmm,” Trevor said biting his bottom lip and nodding. Brian reached up and pulled Trevor’s face towards his, kissing his lips softly.

“I love you too,” He whispered back.

Trevor leaned down and kissed Brian once more before collapsing on him. Brian wrapped his arms around him, kissing the top of his head every now and then.

The two of them sat there in silence, the only sound was each other’s heart beat, and it was racing.