Status: Finished

Seven Deadly Sins


Lois (low-iss) had a past.
She had been burned too many times. Having your bestfriend steal the man you loved is not easy.
Lois had a breakdown the day her friend said, "I'm pregnant, with his baby, and we're getting married."
It felt like she had been punched three times.
Lois dated but none lasted more than a month, that is but william.
He was special to Lois so when they broke up Lois went to Jack.
The Pimp
"Lois, you are our top seller, agian." Jack said.
He made it sound like they were just selling cookies.
All the girls around them started to clap.
Yes, because being the best prostitute was something to be proud of.
Lois wasn't proud of her job, but she needed it.
Lois loved sex, she was addicted and this was the way to cure her lusting needs without getting attatched.
Prostitution paid the bills.
Lois thanked jack and gave him a kiss.
Not only was he her best prostitute but she was his girlfriend.
"Who do I have tonight?"
"A new one...Wil"
"are there Penguins in Alaska?" The code phrase was asked.
Lois turned to see who would be able to afford a full night with her.
"What are you doing hiring a prostitute?" Lois asked
"What are you doing being a prostitute?" William asked.
"William, don't answer a question with a question." Lois scolded.
"I needed to make my ex jealous. I don't want sex, I don't need any STD's."
"William, I don't have STD's I check regularily, plus I do use condoms."
"It's Wil now"
"Sorry, should we get going then?"
Willi- Wil didn't know what to do, so Lois dragged him in.
When they got to the table Wil pulled out the chair for her.
"Lois, Pete Wentz and Kirsten. Pete Wentz and Kirsten, Lois." Wil introduced.
"Lois? Lois as in Lois Carden? Wil's ex and Mike's missing sister?" Kirsten asked.
"In the flesh." Lois responded dully.
Dinner was long and boring, Lois couldn't keep her eyes off of Wil, he looked good.
All the feelings Wil had for Lois came back.
"Lois I have to talk to you." Wil said grabbing her hand and stealing her away from her chocolate cake.
"Lois, come away with me. Leave, this, leave Jack."
"William, I mean Wil, You know my needs. When you proposed before, I was fine, I just told you I wouldn't be able to love you. And that wasn't good enough for you."
"Lois it is fine now, I can fulfill your needs, Marry me. Come on tour with me. Lois Carden, marry me." Wil pulled out a ring.
It was the ring he used years ago when he proposed before.
"William, you kept that all those years?" Tears pouring down Lois' cheeks.
"So is that a yes?"
"No, thats a hell yes."
Lois and William got older, Lois' lust got replaced with love.
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This is off of my Quizilla