
Burn This City

This is your wake up call,

Skylar’s POV

“It’s called a latté you idiot!” I looked over to my best friend who was currently trying to quiet the red face banker who stood before her. Day off or not I was about to do work!

“Yo! Dude. You need to calm down! No sense in freaking out. You’ll get a new one.” I said stepping in front of the two.

“Your friend here spilt it all over the floor and it’s not even the right color!”

“You fell and yes it is but then again you’ve got your head shoved so far up that pompous ass of-”

“Dakota. No.” I scolded looking over my shoulder where the short, curly haired girl stood fuming.

“But! He started it!”

“Look you better get me a new coffee now.” The guy growled getting in my face. The chime of the bell went off at the door, signaling someone had walked in the door. Someone’s judging by the noise.

“What’s going on here?” A rather short blonde haired guy asked removing his plaid scarf and walking over and standing beside me, barely an inch taller than me he was doing nothing but making this guy amused.

“These two young ladies won’t get me a new latté.”

“Hey man no reason to call anyone especially two hard working girls anything like that.” Another one from the group said, this one a taller, less blonde, probably fake guy said joining me on my other side.

“Well then they should start doing their job instead of gabbing all the time!”

I snickered. Gabbing? Wow. Dakota was behind me laughing at the word as well, obviously we were the only ones who found this humorous for everyone else was completely silent. Why today of all days did we have to be the only two in the small shop?

“Just leave dude. There’s like a thousand other shops in Jersey!” The fake blonde said. The man glared at all four us before walking out the door promising to call the manager later.
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HELL YES! It's up! Erin's is coming! Yes, its a co-write with the sweetest girl in the world! Thanks to the two subscribers whoever you are!

title cred- A Day To Remember