
Burn This City

So here's to another banner year

Dakota’s POV

“I hate people,” I muttered, heading to the back to get a mop, leaving Skylar to tend to the two boys. The fact she was willing to cover for my ass on her day off was part of the reason she was my best friend. That, and she can deal with me even when I’m pissed. I mopped up the latte while stealing glances at these two. One had a cocky smile and resembled someone I’d seen before, but I couldn’t quite place a finger on it. The other had a sweet face and extremely short stature. Not that I should talk, being only 5’1… and a half. Don’t ever forget the half.

“I want a… frappachino!” The short one said with wide eyes and a smile on his face. The other leaned against the counter like a big shot and looked up and down the menu just to reach the conclusion that he simply wanted a big cookie. I rolled my eyes a little and continued to mop as Skylar catered to the two. She handed them the orders and apologized for the incident earlier. Unlike most people trying to keep up with the bustle of the city, the two sat down. I looked down and frowned. While I had been watching the boys, I’d left a big watery mess on the floor.

“Really, Dakota?” Skylar looked at the mixture of water and coffee disapprovingly. I shrugged and threw a rag on the floor, using my foot to wipe up the mess. “You’re going to end up fired.”

“I hate this job anyway,” I whined. I didn’t really. It was one of the better jobs I had landed. More contact with people than I wanted, but you can’t get everything you want. Skylar rolled her eyes, calling my bluff. I stuck my tongue out her and pulled my smooth brown hair into a ponytail.

“Ugh, you irritate me. I wasn’t even supposed to be here today! But no, some best friend had to call because she was bored,” Skylar scolded.

“You love me. You wouldn’t be here if you didn’t!”

“That doesn’t make you any less annoying!”

“I’m still less annoying than your room mate!”

“She is annoying.”

“And she gets to see Valencia while you’re stuck at work. Even more reason to resent her.”

“My band is opening for them that night!” The tiny blonde entered the conversation. Skylar and I just sort of stared at him for a second. The cocky one turned around and smirked at us as the other looked down at his coffee.

“You two should go,” Mr. Smug-a-licious winked. I rolled my eyes.

“She has to work and I don’t go to shows alone,” I poked my tongue out at him. He laughed and shrugged as if to say ‘your loss.’ It really was our loss seeing as we both loved Valencia.

“Well, if you do decide to go, my band’s called Racing Kites. My name’s Alex, and he’s our tour manager Dave,” petite Alex jerked a thumb at the cocky cookie monster. They both stood up, threw away their trash, and walked out of the now empty coffee shop.
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Erin's part!

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title cred- A Day To Remember