
Burn This City

There is nothing to call normal like before

“Can we please go?” I asked looking at Dakota. She shrugged and looked back down at her computer.

“They were pretty legit though. I don’t why that Dave guy was so cocky. He’s not even apart of the band.” I walked over and leaned over her shoulder.

“Oh. Who’s that?” I asked pointing to a guy with longish black hair. She scrolled down to their friends.

“His name is Preston and….he’s single. Get it.” I laughed.

“We have to go! It’s Valencia and cute band boys?! Dakota!”

“Skylarrr. You have to work. I have no one to go with.”


“I don’t talk to her!”

“So! Get a ride with her, hang in the pit for a little while and then ditch the bitch….Hey that rhymed!” She shook her head.

“Conveintly get sick. They never have to know!” I sighed. There were pro’s and con’s to this situation. Cute, sweet band guys and Valencia to the possibility of getting fired. The pro’s outweighed the cons.

“I’ll do it!” I said excitedly. My room mate walked through the door and stared at us both before shaking her head. My room mate and I were more strangers than friends. We were on two different schedules, she had school during the day and work at night. I worked during the day and went to shows, partied, did anything I could to make life a little more bearable in a two room, crappy apartment.

“Yay! No go get dressed and get some money!” I stuck my head out the door.

“How come your already dressed?” I asked narrowing my eyes.

“I uhm might have thought this all out before just now?” She said not looking at me.

“You knew I was going to cave?! Am I really that easy to read?!” She nodded.

“Skylar, sorry honey but your pretty easy to win over. A cute face and he’s in a band? Automatic.”

“Dammit, Dakota.” I muttered pulling the gray V neck over my head. I dialed the shops number, coughed a couple times and threw a sob story about a guy who had coughed in my face a couple of days ago. It happens. They simply wished me to get better and hoped to see me soon. Drama was never a bad class in school after all.
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HAI! So, comments? Yay!

Title cred- Brighten