
Burn This City

I'm a mess without you darling

“Skylar, you better stop her.” Preston whispered. I looked over at Dakota. She was hanging onto Alex with a fierce grip. I could barely make out the words she was saying. Preston nudged my arm and pointed to a surprised Dave. I lunged at her, hurriedly announcing our departure.

“I don’t wanna go!” She whined sitting in the passenger seat. I sighed and leaned my head on the steering wheel. There was a tapping on the window. I jumped and looked at the culprit. Dave was staring back at me. I shook my head and pulled off the curve.

>> Next day.

A very hung over, nauseated Dakota walked through the door and collapsed against the counter, dropping her bag at my feet.

“Someone’s out of uniform.” She groaned and looked at me bleary eyed.

“Like you have any room to talk. What the hell happened last night?”

“What do you think happened…..although….uhm….you may have said some things.” I muttered not looking at her.


“Yeah. You told-” I stopped mid sentence as the bell over the door tinkled as five also hung over guys walked into the shop.

“Hey, you two!” Matty F said. We all cringed. His straight edge ass was going to be annoying.

“What do you want Matt?” I asked leaning on my elbows in front of him.

“To make Dave and Alex stop being mad at each other.” He replied in a childish voice. Dakota shot me a questioning look. I pulled out my phone.

“Oh look they’re back to the secret conversations! Remember where that got us last time, Dakota?!” Dave said harshly.

“Dude! She doesn’t remember anything from last night! Leave her alone!” Tension filled the air amongst all. The Matt’s had seated themselves at a different table from Alex, Dave, and Preston were still seated each brewing with dislike for the other. Rick was absentmindingly standing against the window.

“Will someone please explain to me what’s going on?!”

“Now’s not-”

“No. I’ll do it.” Alex said quietly standing and motioning for her to follow him out the front door. I held my phone up.

“If you need anything.” She nodded and disappeared behind him. We all looked at each other, no one sure what to say about the current situation.

“I hope he pushes her in front of a bus.” Dave muttered. I glared at him and put the phone to my ear.

“I’m telling!”

“I will steal your Nikes!” He retorted.

“I’ll call the police on you!”

“I’ll eat Preston’s face!”

“Yo. I have a say in that one.” Preston said staring at us. I climbed over the counter and sat down at the table where the Matt’s had seated themselves.

“Besides, what makes you think I care whether you eat Preston’s face?” I said sipping my coffee. He stared at me apprehensively. This man read people way to well. We were silent, each exchanging glances.

“Dude, we should go and follow them but like not get caught!” Rick said finally joining us.

“You want us to be creepers?” Matt H asked. Rick nodded excitedly. I shrugged and ushered them out the door and locked it. It had been slow all day. What is one un happy customer?

We were piled one on top of each other, peeking around corners and watching for anyone who would give us away. The two walked in front us. Dakota was using her hands to speak, as she had been known to do under moments of stress.

“Eww! Preston! Don’t lick my face!” Dave yelled loudly. The couple stopped and turned. I darted behind the wall.

“Shut up!”


“No! I wanna know what’s going on!”

“I’d have told you when we got back to the shop anyway.” I jumped and smiled innocently at Dakota.

“Well….we got bored….and Dave decided he wanted to know what it was like to get hit by a bus so we were heading over to that bus stop!” I said pointing to the bus stop that was on the next corner. She gave me a doubtful look and walked past us. Alex trailed behind her once again wrapped around her finger. Poor kid.
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Title cred- Racing Kites.

I don't know....